Is there enough density change in a tree's growth rings that would make Ultrasound a viable method of non-destructively aging a tree? | AskScience Blog


Friday, April 1, 2022

Is there enough density change in a tree's growth rings that would make Ultrasound a viable method of non-destructively aging a tree?

Is there enough density change in a tree's growth rings that would make Ultrasound a viable method of non-destructively aging a tree?

Is there enough density change in a tree's growth rings that would make Ultrasound a viable method of non-destructively aging a tree?

Posted: 31 Mar 2022 11:33 PM PDT

Hearing that in order to work out the age of a tree you need to either take a core sample or cut down the whole tree, opening it up to infection or even death, couldn't Ultrasound be adapted to peek at the rings without needing to damage the tree?

submitted by /u/robheffo
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Why is the center of the earth hot?

Posted: 31 Mar 2022 07:11 PM PDT

I don't understand why the earths insides are liquid rock when other planets have ice cores and such. What keeps it hot?

submitted by /u/glitch-glitch
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Is it possible to clone an animal with only DNA?

Posted: 31 Mar 2022 11:47 PM PDT

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm writing a project and need an answer for a corner I've written myself into.

Anyhow, I've been looking up research to see if one could feasibly clone an entire creature with just DNA and no embryonic egg for fertilization and can't find the exact answer I'm looking for. Effectively, if you only had a male specimen to clone a creature with, would cloning said creature be possible without a female counterpart?

Could you simply take an empty egg, or reconstitute stem cells to perform as an egg and insert DNA into said material to create life? So far, I've only seen articles on replicable organs, embryonic egg cloning (therapeutic cloning?), and simple DNA-to-DNA cloning.

Thanks for any help!

submitted by /u/japars86
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Explain the 'human genome' if our DNA is unique?

Posted: 31 Mar 2022 07:03 PM PDT

How can we map the human genome if each of our DNA is unique to us? Is the genome a map which covers the broad strokes? If so, at what level do we get to the uniqueness of individuals?

submitted by /u/Ickydumdum
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How much time and what treatments is needed for the astronaut to fully recover after a long mission in zero gravity?

Posted: 31 Mar 2022 04:38 AM PDT

Mark Vande Hei is back after almost a year on ISS. I wonder - how long will it take him to fully recover? Are there side effects of such a long mission that cannot be undone e.g. osteoporosis?

submitted by /u/mariuszz
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