Do toxic substances all share a similar sort of molecular makeup? If so, would we be able to use that information on an alien world to determine if the vegetation would be toxic for humans to eat, or would we have to just try it and find out? | AskScience Blog


Sunday, April 10, 2022

Do toxic substances all share a similar sort of molecular makeup? If so, would we be able to use that information on an alien world to determine if the vegetation would be toxic for humans to eat, or would we have to just try it and find out?

Do toxic substances all share a similar sort of molecular makeup? If so, would we be able to use that information on an alien world to determine if the vegetation would be toxic for humans to eat, or would we have to just try it and find out?

Do toxic substances all share a similar sort of molecular makeup? If so, would we be able to use that information on an alien world to determine if the vegetation would be toxic for humans to eat, or would we have to just try it and find out?

Posted: 10 Apr 2022 08:40 AM PDT

I know that for most of human history, we discovered toxic substances by having Dave try them, and if he died then we all knew not to eat it. But, if we were to have aliens bring us a cuisine or be on an alien world with vegetation, could we test for certain molecular structures to know if the item in question would be toxic to humans?

submitted by /u/htii_
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How is the James Webb Space Telescope staying in its halo orbit?

Posted: 09 Apr 2022 01:07 PM PDT

Based on this animation, it looks like the JWST is orbiting in a circle around an empty point in space. Wouldn't that require constant fuel use or otherwise be impossible?

submitted by /u/MouseCylinder
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