Assuming the same rate of sea level rise extrapolated to the next century and a half, how high will the water extend and what major American cities would be partially or completely underwater? | AskScience Blog


Saturday, April 30, 2022

Assuming the same rate of sea level rise extrapolated to the next century and a half, how high will the water extend and what major American cities would be partially or completely underwater?

Assuming the same rate of sea level rise extrapolated to the next century and a half, how high will the water extend and what major American cities would be partially or completely underwater?

Assuming the same rate of sea level rise extrapolated to the next century and a half, how high will the water extend and what major American cities would be partially or completely underwater?

Posted: 30 Apr 2022 11:35 AM PDT

Why was it that not all animals evolved together?

Posted: 30 Apr 2022 11:46 AM PDT

This may be a stupid question, but my thought is that if we all started from the same place, then why are there animals like humans and mammals, and others like jellyfish. What determines what evolves and doesn't? I don't know much about evolution but this was a question I always had in the back of my mind.

submitted by /u/ianisonreddit6
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How does one distinguish between lithium toxicity vs poisoning with a cholinesterase inhibitor?

Posted: 30 Apr 2022 10:08 AM PDT

Specifically, I'm asking about the objections brought up here to the Lancet article about Navalny's poisoning. Yeah, I know the former's not the most reputable source (though the author does seem to have been a genuine student/employee at the University of Basel's Neurology department/clinic at least at one point), but the arguments (and the author himself) have been directly referenced by the Russian government multiple times (including in state media), so I think it's worth addressing just because (like anti-vax ideologies) it's made its way to the semi-mainstream.

submitted by /u/umbrellaguns
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