When tissue is grafted, how do the blood vessels in the graft find and connect to the blood vessels in the graft site? | AskScience Blog


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

When tissue is grafted, how do the blood vessels in the graft find and connect to the blood vessels in the graft site?

When tissue is grafted, how do the blood vessels in the graft find and connect to the blood vessels in the graft site?

When tissue is grafted, how do the blood vessels in the graft find and connect to the blood vessels in the graft site?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:05 PM PST

I recently got a gum graft where connective tissue from the roof of my mouth was grafted into the gums on my lower teeth. How did my graft get "plugged back into" the blood supply? How long would it have taken for the capillaries to have connected, and what is the specific mechanism by which them lil' blood pipes found each other?

submitted by /u/shadowplumber
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Will corona prevention measures have a lasting impact on generic influenza / flu?

Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:50 AM PST

So, most of the world is following social distancing, heavy lockdowns, mask wearing and washing hands, and influenza has all but been eradicated by now as a result.

Assuming that the lockdown and preventive measures will end some time in 2022 (I'm not too optimistic with vaccination plans), people won't have caught the various influenza / flu strains at all for two years in a row.

Are there even enough "reservoir hosts" in which the strains could have lived on for these two years? And will the human bodies react more intense on strains that would have been "harmless" in 2018, simply because they haven't had to fight against flu for two years?

submitted by /u/mschuster91
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Why don't ripples in a pond propogate at the speed of sound?

Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:22 AM PST

The title says it all.

Pressure waves in air propogate in all directions at about 340 m/s. Sound travels faster in water, why dont dont we see evidence of this when we throw a rock into a pond?

submitted by /u/ManlyMcBuff
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Why does fish smell fishy?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:30 AM PST

How can colors be inverted?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:32 PM PST

Was thinking about this the other day: the visible color of something is dependant upon what wavelength of light it is emitting, so how can colors be "inverted"? (ie red is the inverse of blue, yellow is the inverse of purple etc) I was thinking of the spectrum of light like a number line, and felt like it didn't make sense. It would be like saying arbitrarily that 4 was the inverse of 6. I understand white being inverse of black; white being all colors, black being the absence of color. Also, never understood in electronics class how if you swapped the polarity of certain LEDs they'd change from red to green.

submitted by /u/DrBobvious
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COVID and Head Lice reduction?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:24 AM PST

With people social distancing and schools being virtual I guess that the number of cases of head lice has been reduced. Could head lice be eradicated by people distancing from COVID's effects?

submitted by /u/bephens
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How is genetic distance measured?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:20 AM PST

i.e. Like when biologists say that humans share whatever % of our genome with chimpanzees or whatever, Does it literally go through every base pair and take the number of differences divided by the overall length or is there some other method?

submitted by /u/shosuroyokaze
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What makes a metal or plastic foil crackle when it is bent or crumpled?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:14 PM PST

What exactly produces these sounds?

submitted by /u/Walambo
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How are satellites electronically grounded?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:15 AM PST

My understanding of regular electronics is that the Earth is used as a charge "sink" so that any circuit can be grounded, with that node acting as a reference O volt point.

On a satellite however, what acts are the charge sink? There presumably needs to be a common ground location for the on board electrics to work correctly.

Is the charge somehow distributed into space Otherwise, is it possible for the spacecraft to constantly build up charge? I feel like this would introduce complications for the many sensitive electronic components on board.

submitted by /u/Player_Found
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PCR tests are both dye and probe based. With dye thats added that binds to double-strand DNA. How does dye know which bit of double stranded DNA to bind to?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:52 AM PST

It's my understanding that the presence of this dye when amplified results in a positive as the dye bound to the ie. Covid 19

Are they testing for the presence of the virus, or the presence of the dye? I've read that probe PCR is more accurate. Could dye bind to other double stranded DNA in the sample?

submitted by /u/prayingfordebbie
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What is the plan for extracting energy for nuclear fusion?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:35 AM PST

With some of the recent breakthroughs in sustained fusion, specifically the recent one that was able to go for about 20 seconds, I was wondering about how it will be useful to humanity. How will energy be extracted from the process? Will it be indirect energy transfer like nuclear fission where the reactors heat water to turn turbines? Photovoltaic cells surrounding the reactor? Something else? Right now it seems that the language is so focused on if we can do it that it doesn't mention how it will be useful.

submitted by /u/physicist314
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Why haven't vaccine gummies been made?

Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:59 PM PST

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