How much of sleep is actual maintenance downtime, and how much is just time-killing energy conservation? | AskScience Blog


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How much of sleep is actual maintenance downtime, and how much is just time-killing energy conservation?

How much of sleep is actual maintenance downtime, and how much is just time-killing energy conservation?

How much of sleep is actual maintenance downtime, and how much is just time-killing energy conservation?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 09:07 PM PDT

The idea of science developing a means of reducing sleep to pure function or increasing the efficiency thereof is fascinating to me. My understanding of sleep in animals is that some maintenance is performed by the mind and body, but animals also sleep to conserve energy during unfavorable periods of time be it yearly hibernation cycles or evolved specialization to periods of the night/day cycle.

submitted by /u/zergblush9
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What would happen if sea levels DROPPED?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 05:55 AM PDT

We always hear about the social/economic/environmental problems and side effects of worldwide rising sea levels, but out of curiosity, what would one expect if the opposite was true? How would things change if sea level dropped, say, 10-20 metres. More, if that's more interesting.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: thanks everyone for the thought out and informative comments, dnd setting inbound ;)

submitted by /u/blaertes
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Is it 'unusual' for the earth to contain as much gold and platinum as it does, relative to rocky planets orbiting other stars?

Posted: 17 Oct 2017 04:28 AM PDT

Yesterday's amazing anouncement of the neutron star merger was fascinating in part because the debris from the kilonova apparently had large amounts of newly created heavy metals, including an estimated ~200 earth masses of gold and ~500 earth masses of platinum. Since neutron star mergers are said to be quite rare, I am wondering if our solar system is somewhat what unique due to the relatively high prevalence of gold and platinum in its rocky bodies. Are these metals frequently detected in the spectra of other stars, or our solar system unusual in that regard?

submitted by /u/orange_kangaroo
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What large research projects (equivalent in scale to LHC or ITER) are in the early proposal or design stage that non-scientists haven’t heard of yet?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 12:37 PM PDT

It seems like the public only becomes aware of projects like LHC or ITER when funding has been approved. What large scale research projects in your field will we be hearing about in the near future?

submitted by /u/WarrenGHarding
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Why is the sun red in some parts of the UK right now?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 07:02 AM PDT

Seriously creeping me out.

submitted by /u/Alex_Havok_Summers
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Where does the energy go if there's no load on a solar panel?

Posted: 17 Oct 2017 12:02 AM PDT

If there is no load on a solar panel, theoretically there is little/no work being done, so where does the incoming light energy go after hitting the solar panel? I don't see solar panels becoming more reflective if there is no load...

submitted by /u/phiiscool
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Why do some fruits have multiple seeds while others have just 1?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 09:09 PM PDT

A watermelon has hundreds of seeds but a mango only has one, what is the reason behind this? Is it because a single mango sees had a higher chance of turning into a plant than a single watermelon seed? Is it because watermelon seeds are smaller? If so, why do seeds have different sizes?

submitted by /u/justcallmesomethig
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Would a black hole really appear as a sphere like in Interstellar?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 06:51 AM PDT

What do trig functions with h mean? i.e sinh(x)

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 11:56 PM PDT

I looked it up and it had something to do with being hyperbolic. But I honestly don't understand what that means.
Also how do they relate to regular trig functions? Can they be interchanged?
Lastly how do integrals have to do with them and why haven't I learned about this earlier in Calc 1?

submitted by /u/ilikebutteryfries
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How did the pioneers of nuclear science in the 1930s detect different elements during their discovery of fission?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 07:15 PM PDT

I'm reading about Dr. Otto Hahn's , Dr. Lise Meitner's and Dr. Fritz Strassman's experiment where they discovered fission when they bombarded uranium with neutrons. They confirmed their hypothesis when they detected barium and krypton, the byproducts of splitting uranium.

There are so many amazing things about this experiment but one has me absolutely puzzled: How does one detect specific elements with 1938 technology?

submitted by /u/fat_tire_fanatic
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Nuclear power plants, how long could they run by themselves after an epidemic that cripples humanity?

Posted: 15 Oct 2017 07:42 AM PDT

We always see these apocalypse shows where the small groups of survivors are trying to carve out a little piece of the earth to survive on, but what about those nuclear power plants that are now without their maintenance crews? How long could they last without people manning them?

submitted by /u/Marius423
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How was the height of Mt. Everest measured with reasonable accuracy by surveyors of the Great Trigonometric Survey back in 1852?

Posted: 15 Oct 2017 09:30 PM PDT

Do dolphins have groups of communities (different pods) that have a web of a community like we do via the work we do or the things we like to do? Do pods ever meet up to play?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 08:56 PM PDT

How does stress influence drug reactivity?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 03:37 PM PDT

Took a peak at my alma mater's Neuroscience department page out of curiosity, and something stuck out to me.

Stress and its influence on drug reactivity is something that is/was at one point studied thoroughly. From a neurological and/or physiological standpoint, what role does stress play as it relates to how drugs react within the body?

submitted by /u/gettingmyenergyback
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How do fractional derivatives work?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 05:35 PM PDT

Highschool student here, a month in to my first semester of BC calculus. The other day our class did an activity in which we generalized derivatives of functions to the nth degree, which lead me to question what happens when n is not a whole number. What happens when you plug in fractional, irrational or unreal values to that generalized formula? What will the resulting graph represent?

submitted by /u/PantheonYan
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What makes body parts tingle when they fall asleep or cut off circulation?

Posted: 15 Oct 2017 07:35 PM PDT

Do other animals appreciate art?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 07:43 PM PDT

Are humans the only animal that have a sense of appreciation for objects whose entire purpose is to be aesthetically pleasing? Or can animals understand decoration and art?

Similarly, what do we know about animals creating art? What about music?

submitted by /u/Cabanarama_
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In a can of soda, is the air pressure uniformly distributed throughout the can, or is there some imbalance of pressure near where the gas is?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 05:39 PM PDT

I had a bet with a friend that since pressure is exerted on a surface by gas, that there would be imbalance.

submitted by /u/throwingawaybro123
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Why Does Space Smell Like Burning Metal?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 11:23 AM PDT

In his recent AMA Scott Kelly said that space smells like burning metal. What would cause this?

submitted by /u/PintRocker
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Is the Yellowstone Caldera going to erupt in our lifetime?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 09:50 PM PDT

There have been several articles circulating around claiming that the Yellowstone Super Volcano is now due to erupt within "a few decades". Is this true? Bonus points: As someone who lives in Boston and family in NJ, what are the chances for survival?

submitted by /u/ajw1899
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Is the energy of an object depleted if it reaches the center of a gravity well?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 09:26 PM PDT

In Secondary school, I was taught that if you lift an object, you are increasing it's potential energy and when you drop it the potential energy is released.

Based on that, I am curious that if you take an object in space and drop it into a powerful enough gravity well, will it loses all it's energy when reaching the center?

Also is there a 'default' amount of energy in objects? It would seem that an object on Earth has less potential energy than an object of equivalent in space.

submitted by /u/ykcmaster
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Is it just a coincidence or a specific reason why several elements in the same group have the atomic weight/number of protons increased by 8, 18, or 32 to form the next element in the group? Is there a mathematical formula that uses atomic weight to determine its properties?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 12:11 PM PDT

How serious of an issue is radon in basements?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 11:06 AM PDT

I always see advertisements for costly radon mitigation systems for basements. Is this a serious issue? Do certain parts of the world have a higher rate of it? If it is an issue for a basement, why wouldn't it be an issue in the rest of the house or for houses without basements ?

submitted by /u/Genkiotoko
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Why did Eris, the dwarf planet that caused Pluto to get demoted, only get discovered in 2005?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 09:05 AM PDT

How do devices that utilize electron beams generate the free electrons, and why doesn't that cause a buildup of positive charge that interferes with its function?

Posted: 16 Oct 2017 10:50 AM PDT

Things like electron microscopes, or mass spectrometers. It seems like if you're ejecting electrons, you'd be building up positive charge that should then prevent further electron ejection.

submitted by /u/PatAunces
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