What happens on a cellular level when you improve muscle flexibility? | AskScience Blog


Saturday, April 23, 2016

What happens on a cellular level when you improve muscle flexibility?

What happens on a cellular level when you improve muscle flexibility?

What happens on a cellular level when you improve muscle flexibility?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 09:08 PM PDT

[Psychology] Can adults lose/never obtain object permanence?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 07:29 AM PDT

Are there any studies that have analyzed risk adverseness varying by location in the United States?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 09:45 PM PDT

I've found ones that analyze risk adverseness based on age and gender but I'd like to see if any research has been done on people from across the country and their willingness to take risks.

Basically are there any locations where people are more alright with risk than others? And which places?

submitted by /u/_I_Have_No_Mouth_
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Why is one hemisphere of mars nearly 8 km below the other?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 03:23 PM PDT

I can only find stuff online of people talking about how we got the elevation data... But no one is really talking about the significance of it, why it is this way. Here's the image if it's any help: http://mola.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/topo_labeled.jpg

submitted by /u/aggyro
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Why didn't the univers collapse back into a black hole?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 12:05 PM PDT

Why didn't the universe collapse back into a black hole right after the big bang? After all wasn't it dense enough? Everything in the universe in such a small region?

submitted by /u/DarinHristov
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Why does the compression ratio decrease when soft input levels increase for hearing aids?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 08:54 PM PDT

I've been trying to understand compression ratios for hearings aids recently and there's a bit that I'm having a hard time understanding. I think I must have some sort of fundamental misunderstanding of how compression ratios work.

I've read that when Input Gain of soft levels increases, the compression ratio decreases. Which to my understanding means that at lower dB levels, as the dB increases, the output decreases - which seems counter intuitive. Wouldn't we want output to decrease as IG increases?

Any help explaining this would be appreciated.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/enderfiend
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What are the challenges in developing a rapid screening test to determine whether an infection is bacterial vs viral?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 07:39 AM PDT

It seems like one of the main problem is that there are tons of bacteria and viruses always present that aren't causing an infection. Could we use the quantity of a given bacteria in the location of an infection (e.g. sputum for a throat infection) since there would presumably be more of the infectious bacteria there? Are there any technologies or analytical techniques on the horizon which might help?

submitted by /u/ramk13
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Mental imagery and memory: What do people see and in what detail when they imagine or recall memories?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 08:55 AM PDT

This has been bugging me for ~2 years now ever since I started thinking that I might be worse than others and reading about people with exceptional abilities. The so called ''Mind's eye'' in my case is something I'm having hard time describing. When I go to bed it usually takes me quite a bit of time to fall asleep and lately I've been trying to really grasp what am I seeing and how. Initially I just see a black canvas and a single or two color ''masses'' sort of like waves collide and mix between my eyes. I've never seen that in real world and maybe I can't describe it properly and I never talked to someone about this and I really want to know if I am normal or impaired or what. Then comes my memory and ability to recall some things I feel like there's always a part of that ''black canvas'' sort of like grain over whatever I'm trying to remember. I can't recall people's faces or details 1:1 even though I can recognize a person I saw ages ago even if I can't imagine them in that same detail. And then some traumatic things that I experienced if I remember them wash up the very emotions I felt DURING that particular event and it makes me have to turn around in bed and change position from sheer fact it makes me uncomfortable. It's absolutely weird and my memory and these different situations creeps me out. I'm not sure what kind of memory I have. When I normally read like a wikipeadia page or something and not really ''try hard'' to be able to remember all of it and I often don't remember a lot of details and informationm but then again when studying for school I'd often repeat a word, then a sentence then a page until I can basically just repeat everything. Another issue is having issues imagining things like numbers. I can't calculate anything but the basic things in my head though I admit I'm very rusty with math maybe this just comes after you work with numbers a lot. I feel inferior because of all these possible shortcomings. Crappy memory, crappy visualization just useless really. Are there any tests I can do to determine lack of abilities?

submitted by /u/Alta_
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Why are so few animals considered self-aware? Mirror test question.

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 02:56 PM PDT

Only those animals that pass the mirror test (observing a painted mark on their body in the mirror and using that knowledge to attempt to remove the mark) are commonly accepted as being self-aware to a significant degree.

But doesn't the fact that cats and dogs learn not to get tricked by their own reflection in the mirror indicate that they understand mirrors/possess self-awareness? My cat reacts to my reflections but not his own, which means he hasn't simply learned to ignore the mirror but understands it's content on some level.

submitted by /u/purewasted
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Using another liquid for steam-powered engines?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 03:23 PM PDT

This post is inspired by this image: http://i.imgur.com/j6ZENFS.gifv My question is: would it be feasible to collect the water vapor and use it to heat another liquid with a lower boiling point? Would this increase the efficiency of a steam-powered engine, or would heat loss/something else be too great a barrier?

submitted by /u/Its_4_AM_Man
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Can a strong enough magnetic field slow down time in the same way gravity does?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 09:49 AM PDT

Why do some people's wisdom teeth grow through the gums and some people's don't?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 02:56 PM PDT

Why is it so common for people who have undergone trauma in childhood to exhibit compulsive rocking motion?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 12:43 PM PDT

Supposedly one of the main ways a Romanian can tell if someone grew up in an orphanage or not is if they compulsively rock backwards and forwards, even in adulthood. I assume this would be caused by the trauma of growing up in an orphanage, but why is such rocking motion so common as a symptom of that trauma?

submitted by /u/holytriplem
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Are there any organisms taking advantage of increased co2 levels in order to flourish?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 02:47 PM PDT

Are there any organisms taking advantage of increased co2 levels ?

submitted by /u/ThaiKarma
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Why is it that music that is perceived louder, sounds better?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 03:11 PM PDT

Loudness war is common term in the music industry. It is the practice of compressing the dynamic range of a song so the overall volume can be raised to a consistent high level. This is common with mainstream music but something that most artist believe kills the art.

What is the scientific reason on why we prefer music that is perceived to be louder to be better? If there is very little dynamic range in a song, wouldn't our ears get adapted to that level and null out the perceived loudness?

submitted by /u/Acid-303
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How is CO2 tested for in ppm in ice core samples?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 12:34 PM PDT

Can human brains actually "multi-task" or is our brain just capable of swapping back and forth between tasks quickly?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 01:31 PM PDT

When I'm brushing my teeth and doing something else at the same time with my other hand, like folding a pair of pants, I find myself involuntarily stopping brushing my teeth and only focus on the folding. I don't even realize I stopped brushing my teeth. What's the science behind this?

submitted by /u/Chroniic10
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With antibiotic resistance becoming more prevalent, what are some possible effective antibacterial alternatives for the future?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 02:25 PM PDT

How does aluminum foil, baking soda, and vinegar remove tarnish from silverware?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 07:46 AM PDT

Does it matter to the average human body the kind of protein (e.g. plant, animal, etc.) it consumes?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 02:01 PM PDT

Hello /r/AskScience!

My doctor asked me to work on losing a few pounds a few months ago. So I started paying attention to the nutrition facts labels on foods and tracking my diet and exercise. I noticed that some of the macronutrients groups have subcategories on these labels, while others do not.

This lead me to have a few questions:

  1. Are there subcategories for proteins that are nutritionally relevant?
  2. If so, why aren't those subcategories listed on the nutrition facts labels?
  3. If not, does the human body just synthesize the proteins it needs by breaking down the proteins we eat?
  4. Finally, I have been trying to find low calorie, high protein foods that I can eat on the go. Lately, this means I have been trying out various protein bars. Are these nutritionally viable options or are they all just marketed to uneducated consumers like myself?

Thanks in advance for your informative replies!

Edit: I am not looking for specific nutritional advice. I meant for my questions to be more general in nature.

submitted by /u/1968GTCS
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Why are so many organic molecules carcinogens/toxic?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 11:56 AM PDT

Weird reflection?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 01:48 PM PDT

So I installed a window film on my home windows with up to 70% UV blocking capacity so then the film reflects rainbow alike colors on the floor is the film working?

submitted by /u/Hibear
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What will happen to the earth when the moon inevitably escapes our orbit?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 03:21 PM PDT

How will the lack of tides affect the earth? Will there be any other noticeable effects?

Inspired by a recent photo showing the growing distance between the earth and moon between 2015-2016.

submitted by /u/demonicsoap
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How exactly does the body's immune system differentiate between pathogens and friendly microbes, for example in the gut?

Posted: 22 Apr 2016 06:30 AM PDT

I'm guessing this has been discussed but I couldn't find an answer. If someone can simply point me in the direction of a great answer, that'd be just as good as answering yourself.

submitted by /u/En_lighten
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