why do black holes increase in size if the singularity has infinite density? | AskScience Blog


Friday, May 27, 2022

why do black holes increase in size if the singularity has infinite density?

why do black holes increase in size if the singularity has infinite density?

why do black holes increase in size if the singularity has infinite density?

Posted: 26 May 2022 06:34 PM PDT

In alot of online articles they state that the singularity has infinite density.

So when a black hole consumes an object (goes past the event horizon) why does the size of the black hole increase?

Wouldn't the mass just be squeezed infinitely without altering the size of the black hole?

submitted by /u/Zeus8Kratos
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how did the water disappear on Mars?

Posted: 26 May 2022 08:51 AM PDT

So, I know it didn't disappear per say, it likely in some aquifer.. but..

I would assume:

1) since we know water was formed by stars and came to earth through meteors or dust, I would assume the distribution of water across planets is roughly proportional to the planet's size. Since mars is smaller than earth, I would assume it would have less than earth, but in portion all the same.

2) water doesn't leave a planet. So it's not like it evaporates into space 🤪

3) and I guess I assume that Mars and earth formed at roughly the same time. I guess I would assume that Mars and earth have similar starting chemical compositions. Similar rock to some degree? Right?

So how is it the water disappears from the surface of one planet and not the other? Is it really all about the proximity to the sun and the size of the planet?

What do I have wrong here?

Edit: second kind of question. My mental model (that is probably wrong) basically assumes venus should have captured about the same amount of H2O as earth being similar sizes. Could we assume the water is all there but has been obsorbed into Venus's crazy atmosphere. Like besides being full of whatever it's also humid? Or steam due to the temp?

submitted by /u/MadstopSnow
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Why are there no more covid variants?

Posted: 26 May 2022 04:42 PM PDT

At some point it seemed like there was a new variant every 2 months or so. What happened that it suddenly stopped?

submitted by /u/oooliveoil
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How do we know what other planets, light years away, are made of?

Posted: 25 May 2022 07:51 PM PDT

How are calories in food measured?

Posted: 25 May 2022 08:45 AM PDT

Nowadays practically every food packaging comes with a really specific calorie count. But what is the actual process to find out how many calories there are in an apple for example?

submitted by /u/mangosmoothie72
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