Is scar tissue more likely to sunburn/ more susceptible to sun damage? | AskScience Blog


Monday, May 23, 2022

Is scar tissue more likely to sunburn/ more susceptible to sun damage?

Is scar tissue more likely to sunburn/ more susceptible to sun damage?

Is scar tissue more likely to sunburn/ more susceptible to sun damage?

Posted: 22 May 2022 03:50 PM PDT

is there any health benefits for regular blood donors?

Posted: 22 May 2022 03:28 PM PDT

How big of an issue is soil erosion and what can we do about it? Is there anywhere it's particularly bad?

Posted: 22 May 2022 11:56 PM PDT

A brief google search revealed that the 30-100 year deadlines on suitable farming soil are repeated and overblown, but that soil erosion is an issue. What actually causes soil erosion, and what can we do to fix it? I feel like we could hit with a broad-spectrum (if you will) treatment like effluent, but we may always be missing one more critical piece to make it all work.

And why is the soil's end of life suddenly going to coincide with when we/our kids are alive after thousands of years of farming?

submitted by /u/beacheytunez_
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I got a question about the Monkeypox, how does the infetion process goes on the infected cell(attatchment, penetration, etc.)?

Posted: 23 May 2022 06:33 AM PDT

For e.g. for Covid we got the protein spike on the virus and the ACE2 on the target cell and the whole process inside the cell. But I´d like to know how this process goes and what proteins are implied when it comes to Monkeypox. Thx in advance!

submitted by /u/FrancoIDK
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How long until offshore wind becomes cost competitive with other renewables?

Posted: 22 May 2022 03:50 PM PDT

Why do we perceive the colour red as the opposite of blue and the colour black as the opposite of white?

Posted: 22 May 2022 11:10 PM PDT

Why does the binding affinity of haemoglobin decreases when we move to a higher altitude rather than increasing?

Posted: 22 May 2022 10:46 PM PDT

What are the challenges of producing heavy metal free quantum dots for displays?

Posted: 22 May 2022 03:48 PM PDT

Does digitisation of government services reduce corruption?

Posted: 22 May 2022 04:04 PM PDT

Cats cover up their urine and feces traces. How did it start and is it a learned or hardwired behavior?

Posted: 22 May 2022 02:13 AM PDT

I don't understand how the covering up behavior may have started: was it a single individual cat (or an ancestor of it) that started to do it (was it a genius among its peers?) and therefore obtained an evolutionary advantage that got passed down to more and more generations and in the process it became hardwired in the genes?

I took this example because it's an easy one but I do wonder how many other complex behaviors started and became species-wide (e.g. weaving the web for spiders, mating dances for birds etc).

Secondly, I understand that animals that do not spend their infancy and maturing phase with members of their own species may lack awareness and priming of social behaviors, but how far does this stretch and when do genes start to play a bigger role?

submitted by /u/TasteNew7558
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If you were trying to crack a 4 digit code, what would be a better method: going through every combination or using a random number generator?

Posted: 22 May 2022 11:08 AM PDT

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