How does our circulatory system handle losing a limb? | AskScience Blog


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

How does our circulatory system handle losing a limb?

How does our circulatory system handle losing a limb?

How does our circulatory system handle losing a limb?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 03:21 PM PDT

Do smaller animals see smaller things?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 05:36 PM PDT

Can a magnetic south pole or a north pole exist on it's own?

Posted: 15 Aug 2017 05:19 AM PDT

Generally if you break a bar magnet in half the two halves become two bar magnets with a north and a south pole in each. But I have wondered (and seen in some physics questions esp in GCE AL Physics) of such a thing. Is this possible at least hypothetically?

submitted by /u/Deoxyribau5
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Do the galaxies orbit around something?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 06:14 PM PDT

Do the galaxy cluster orbit around something? if so, why isn't there an actual center of the universe?

submitted by /u/IamjustSoul
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Why do albino animals usually have red eyes?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 07:13 PM PDT

If CO2 has a great influence on global warming, does Mars also have its temperature altered, since its atmosphere is 95% CO2?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 08:49 PM PDT

Mars is cold, but is it warmer than it could be, since some say carbon dioxide affects temperature? Or am I totally stupid and CO2 would only affect temperature on Earth due to other elements that are only present on the Earth's atmosphere?

submitted by /u/mr10volt
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Why do mosquitoes inject some venom after they've sucked your blood?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 03:23 PM PDT

Is human fertilization random chance with many sperm making it, or are the sperm making an effort to be the one?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 08:42 AM PDT

Why is the sun orange but the light we see on earth clear and not tinted orange?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 07:34 AM PDT

Can cavitation occur in other types of liquid other than water and what happens when its attempted?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 12:25 PM PDT

I have seen videos explaining cavitation in water and showing it in slow motion. Also, I have seen small sea creatures that use cavitations to stun prey. While watching videos similar to this video of a shrimp using cavitation showing that this creates a small amount of light and quite a bit of heat.

This made me think about if there is research on cavitation with in other types of liquids(liquid, helium, hydrogen, brake fluid, refrigerants) or maybe even plasmas. If there is research on that what was the results, or would it even work? Also, can cavitation occur in space(in a vacuum)?

submitted by /u/BIGDATA_Construct
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Why does a battery work on my track pad?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 04:39 PM PDT

OK so a kinda weird question, but I don't know why using either end of a battery works if I swipe it across the track pad. It works with some other fully metal things as well. I have no idea why this happens, I asked google but that didn't help so this is my next resort.

submitted by /u/JEF_one_F
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What is CP symmetry ? How does weak interaction violate it ?

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 11:57 AM PDT

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