If I were to drop an object, a bowling ball, down an infinitely long vacuum tube, what speed could it reach? | AskScience Blog


Sunday, May 1, 2016

If I were to drop an object, a bowling ball, down an infinitely long vacuum tube, what speed could it reach?

If I were to drop an object, a bowling ball, down an infinitely long vacuum tube, what speed could it reach?

If I were to drop an object, a bowling ball, down an infinitely long vacuum tube, what speed could it reach?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 05:39 PM PDT

Given that an object can't travel faster than the speed of light and that there is no resistance which of these two overrides the other?

submitted by /u/FrenchButcher
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Why does my congestion go away when my body is in hot water?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 09:34 PM PDT

I'm extremely congested most of the time and have found that immersing my body in hot water really alleviates my congestion. There's no real steam in the room, so what is it that's making it so much easier for me to breathe?

submitted by /u/burf
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How or why does moon sometimes appear bigger and in different colour?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 06:16 PM PDT

Can sound be used as a catalyst for chemical reactions?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 01:41 PM PDT

Is the Gravitational Constant "constant" as the Universe ages and expands?

Posted: 01 May 2016 06:42 AM PDT

Is the Gravitational Constant of today the same as that of the one from right after the Big Bang and will it be the same value in 10 billion years?

submitted by /u/sldfghtrike
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Would flames be shorter/taller under higher/lower gravity?

Posted: 01 May 2016 04:47 AM PDT

If I had a bio dome on the moon and made a bonfire would the flames be taller because of the lower gravity? Would you see a clear difference? What about on a huge planet? Or the sun? Does a bio dome bonfire on the sun have short little flames?

submitted by /u/cheeseismurder
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Why are alpha particles stable?

Posted: 01 May 2016 06:23 AM PDT

Why don't radionuclides emit particles of made 4 neutrons? What makes the alpha particle arrangement more energetically favourable than a neutron analogue?

submitted by /u/moisttoejam
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If the moon is geologically dead, how will we find metal ores and what will their concentrations be like?

Posted: 01 May 2016 12:54 AM PDT


On the moon, rocks tend to be about half silica with mineral impurities of aluminate (up to 30%), Ilmenite (up to 10%), and Ferrous oxides (up to 15%). The concentration of these minerals would not make them profitable to produce metals from by earth standards, where we tend to use ores like Magnetite (70%+) Goethite (60%+), and limonite/siderite (40%+) for pig iron production.

Hematite, Magnetite, and Goethite are mostly formed by interactions with water. Since the moon has no water to form sedimentary strata, would it stand to reason that the Moon's iron would not form concentrated ores like this?

Chalcocite and Chalcopyrite are mostly found in igneous rocks. Since the moon is not geologically active, would these crystal formations be present? Would veins of copper-bearing crystals have formed during the initial cooling after the impact even that created the moon?

Assuming the moon has no sedimentary deposits, we're excluding all alluvial and stratiform ores, all hydromagmatic deposits, all hydrothermal deposits, and all epigenetic deposits. This means zero metasomatic deposits as well, right?

Does this mean the only metals we will find are astrobleme related, or magmatic, I'm guessing?

Due to a lack of magmatic dynamism in the Moon's history, would this mean that the moon's metal deposits would have sunk to the core during formation, or would they have been left interspersed with the crust?

submitted by /u/PM_ME_JAR_JAR_NUDES
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How do we have pictures of Milky way?

Posted: 01 May 2016 01:15 AM PDT

What's the cardinality of negative infinity to positive infinity?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 06:32 PM PDT

That is, the set of integers between negative and positive infinity. Is it equal to aleph-null? It seems like it should be bigger than the set of natural numbers.

submitted by /u/gprime312
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Why is it considered easier to hit a home run on a ball traveling faster rather than slower?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 01:06 PM PDT

I watch baseball and I've heard them mention that the fact that it's a fastball made it go far enough to go over the wall.

submitted by /u/sixarmedOctopus
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A balloon filled with helium goes in the opposite direction of earth's gravity. Not only does it overcome the force, but it also travels up. What would happen to a balloon in deep space? Would the helium stay put or would the balloon split and the helium go in all directions?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 08:23 PM PDT

What does a colorblind person see in a room with only red light?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 11:10 AM PDT

For example, a darkroom for photo developing with only pure red light. Would the room appear to have the same amount of "lightness" but appear gray in color? Or would it be like there is no light at all? If the circumstances would be different for different types of colorblindness/different color light, I'm curious about that as well.

submitted by /u/soyouwannabeapanda
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Does it take more energy to heat liquid water or frozen water?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 08:07 PM PDT

It's my understanding that water takes more energy to heat due to the increased density of atoms. So would that mean that ice takes less energy?

submitted by /u/LtDominator
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While under the influence of LSD, can you transfer the drug into that of an unsuspecting animals while petting it?

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 06:27 PM PDT

"Never pet animals while tripping" is something I have heard many times. The "logic" is somehow the sweat on your hands or through some other medium allows the drug in your system to be transferred into the animal's system. Does this have any actual scientific backing or logic?

submitted by /u/wikipediavalidsource
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