Does a rainbow extend into the invisible part of the spectrum? | AskScience Blog


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Does a rainbow extend into the invisible part of the spectrum?

Does a rainbow extend into the invisible part of the spectrum?

Does a rainbow extend into the invisible part of the spectrum?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 05:10 PM PST

Why is fusion such a big deal when we already have fission based power plants?

Posted: 07 Nov 2015 05:44 AM PST

What is happening when you get helicopter car? (Popping noise when you open car window)

Posted: 07 Nov 2015 06:53 AM PST

What is happening when you burn NH4Cr2O7 With HgSCN that causes it to make those scary burnt horns that come out?

Posted: 07 Nov 2015 07:44 AM PST

Why is caffeine synergistic with l-theanine?

Posted: 07 Nov 2015 06:46 AM PST

If l-theanine is an agonist for glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter, then how does it reduce the "jitters" of caffeine?

submitted by classiq_
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What is the importance of adenosine? What function does it serve other than making us gradually feel sleepy?

Posted: 07 Nov 2015 06:02 AM PST

Not talking about the medication, but the neurotransmitter.

submitted by Shryem
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When two identical waves of 180 degrees phase difference meet they cancel out.Where does their energy go?

Posted: 07 Nov 2015 03:22 AM PST

What happens to food during cooking? Is there a common mechanism shared by rice/pasta/meat etc.? Thanks!

Posted: 07 Nov 2015 08:06 AM PST

And if you have reached this far... is there a difference in the food itself (not the addition of oil/water for example) between frying / cooking / baking etc?

submitted by BigSwerty
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How do elektron-vector boson interactions work?

Posted: 07 Nov 2015 05:51 AM PST

I am reading the book "Facts and mysteries in elementairy fysics" by Martinus Veltman for a paper I have to write for school. I do understand most of what is explained in the book, but there is one thing that I just don't understand, the interactions between electrons, electron neutrinos and W-bosons.

Here is the relevant page. The shaded area refers to this image.

It seems to me that these interactions wouldn't work at all without adding extra energy, as the mass of the W-bosons is so much bigger than the mass of the elektron and elektron neutrino, but Veltman doesn't mention it. Is it because it is expected to think of or is there something I just don't see? Especially the second interaction (Ve -> e- + W+) makes no sense to me as the mass of the elektron neutrino is very small compared to the other two.

The other (and less important) thing I don't really understand is the last figure (the bottom right one). It seems to me that the W+ and elektron neutrino form the elektron, but that isn't the case when you look at the figures next to it.

I may just be stupid and look at this the wrong way, but I hope someone can help me with this!

submitted by Micropixel023
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Why do some people sneeze when suddenly seeing sunlight?

Posted: 07 Nov 2015 04:34 AM PST

I am one of these people and not many people I've asked do this.

submitted by 3juicypeaches
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If the moon is in "freefall" around the Earth, why does it not accelerate at 9.8m/s/s?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 03:12 PM PST

Can sound waves be polarized?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 08:27 AM PST

I understand sound waves are longitudinal compared to transverse electromagnetic waves, so I would guess there might not be a directly equivalent property to polarization. However, is there any theoretical (or practical) analogue in sound that has similar properties?

submitted by superhelical
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Say you have x = 0.999. Then x^2 = 0.998001, which is clearly less than x. Now between x and x^2 there is an infinite subset of numbers. If x = 0.999... repeated ad infinitum then does x^2 = 0.999... as well? If not, is there a) a subset between x and x^2, and b) is it infinite?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 07:57 PM PST

I also understand the reasoning behind 0.999... = 1, which here would mean that x = x2. Could someone clear this up for me? Also not 100% on my logic here.

submitted by orvillewaswright
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Why doesn't the Undecidability of a mathematics problem imply its truth?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 10:01 AM PST

In mathematics, a problem is undecidable if it's impossible to prove it true or false. My question is, if a problem is proved to be undecidable, doesn't this imply it must be true? Take the continuum hypothesis for instance; if it was false it would have a counterexample (i.e. there would be an infinite set with cardinality larger than aleph-0 but smaller than aleph-1), but then it would no longer be undecidable, so therefore there is no counterexample and it must be true. This seems to wrong to me, but I'm not sure how. What am I missing?

submitted by Shakie666
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Is the rate of heat loss from the Earth's atmosphere increased with more rainfall?

Posted: 07 Nov 2015 01:14 AM PST

If this is true, does this mean heat loss from the Earth's atmosphere will be increased? (Due to increased convectional rain from rising temperatures)

submitted by ColloquiallyFormal
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Has mercury been successfully employed to treat anything?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 10:27 AM PST

So in the past I know mercury has been used for all sorts of medical purposes with little to no evidence that it actually did anything other than poison the patient.

I'm curious if it is used for any sort of treatments where it has turned out to be and effective remedy.

submitted by Shadowmant
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What causes some people to be more ticklish than others?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 08:33 AM PST

Is there any truth in the old saying, "Red sky at night, shepherds delight; Red sky in morning, shepherds warning"?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 08:51 AM PST

Any time I see a red sky this little rhyme always goes off in my head and I'm just wondering if there is anything scientific that puts any truth into those words?

submitted by razoman
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In recorded history have we observed a virus mutate to the point of becoming a new species?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 08:10 AM PST

For example, every year there are new strains of the various flu viruses, but at some point it seems to me that enough change should occur from strain to strain that a new species should emerge from one. Or another thing that I've heard is of superinfections (a person infected with more than one virus) allowing viruses to 'share' or 'swap' RNA/DNA - have we ever documented an actual new species of virus evolving from this?

submitted by powerscunner
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When downsampling an image, from which point on does the resolution of the source image not affect the downsampled image quality anymore?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 03:39 PM PST

Let's assume I want to create an image of 500x500 pixels resolution from a higher resolution image source. I would naively expect that there should be a clear difference in quality of the downsampled image between, let's say a 510x510 vs a 2000x2000 source image (when using an advanced downsampling algorithms like nearest-neighbor or bicubic).

Is this assumption correct? If so, at what ratio of source:target resolution does this difference become negligible?

Many thanks, JJ

submitted by jamesjoyce1882
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What's up with Rosetta, the space probe that landed on the comet?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 08:58 AM PST

How was cancer treated before modern techniques were invented?

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 04:14 AM PST

I was reading about Adolphe Sax, who's birthday is honored in today's google doodle, and saw this near the end of his biography on Wikipedia:

Sax suffered from lip cancer between 1853 and 1858 but made a full recovery.

I was always under the impression that cancer was kind of a death sentence back then. Did they just keep cutting out cancerous material until it didn't return?

submitted by Roofawitz
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