What were some popular theories about the origin of the Universe before we accepted the Big Bang as the best one? | AskScience Blog


Friday, March 4, 2022

What were some popular theories about the origin of the Universe before we accepted the Big Bang as the best one?

What were some popular theories about the origin of the Universe before we accepted the Big Bang as the best one?

What were some popular theories about the origin of the Universe before we accepted the Big Bang as the best one?

Posted: 04 Mar 2022 09:11 AM PST

Where does the energy for capillary lift come from?

Posted: 04 Mar 2022 04:04 PM PST

I have a pretty fundamental question about MO theory in chemistry. What causes orbitals to be lower than others?

Posted: 04 Mar 2022 08:23 AM PST

What causes the Pi2P orbitals to be lower than Sigma2P in atom numbers 7 and below? Does the effect have a name?

submitted by /u/portirfer
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Do Ants learn from their opponents?

Posted: 04 Mar 2022 02:12 AM PST

I've been watching some videos about Ants and I came to wonder: do ants learn from their victims? What I mean is, a slug is a hard opponent for a ant colony but if there's an certain animal they cannot defeat do they recognize said animal?

submitted by /u/WilkerkundTheLost
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Does photosynthesis need time and/or energy to "power up"?

Posted: 04 Mar 2022 01:32 AM PST

Say for example you have a grow light on a tomato plant. You turn the grow light on for 1 minute, off for 1 minute, over and over. Does photosynthesis happen? Is there some point where this is actually causing the plant to loose energy through putting forth useless effort to begin photosynthesis?

submitted by /u/moocowincog
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Does the weather on a given day have an effect on the weather forecast for the next days?

Posted: 04 Mar 2022 07:53 AM PST

I hope this question makes sense.

Let's imagine the weather forecast for the next 3 days shows this chances of rain:

• Day 1: 70% • Day 2: 70% • Day 3: 70%

So, if it actually rained on Day 1, would the chances of rain go lower for Day 2 and Day 3 or would they remain the same?

submitted by /u/Frosty_Naskot
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How do we count STRs in a DNA test?

Posted: 04 Mar 2022 07:59 AM PST

When we run a DNA test in a sample to see if it matches another sample, my understanding is we compare the number of STRs in each sample, and the closer they are, the more confident we are that the samples came from the same person. How do we go about counting those STRs, and how accurate do we need to be in that count?

submitted by /u/GourmetThoughts
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