Is it likely that dinosaurs walked like modern day pigeons, with a back and forth motion of their head? | AskScience Blog


Monday, July 24, 2017

Is it likely that dinosaurs walked like modern day pigeons, with a back and forth motion of their head?

Is it likely that dinosaurs walked like modern day pigeons, with a back and forth motion of their head?

Is it likely that dinosaurs walked like modern day pigeons, with a back and forth motion of their head?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:13 AM PDT

What would happen if I created a wave motion from lots of small rods going up and down (at subliminal speeds), where the "speed" of the troughs and peaks was faster than the speed of light and then I dropped a small ball in a trough?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:58 AM PDT

As I understand it, it's possible for the peaks and troughs to "move" faster than the speed of light, because it's not really movement, it's just perceived movement, but what then happens if a ball is dropped in a trough and stays in it, being pushed along with the wave motion.

I hope what I'm describing makes sense! It would be a long line of rods moving up and down in sequence to create the wave.

submitted by /u/lindymad
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How did the evolution that produced the Angler fish work, especially the sexual dimorphism?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:30 AM PDT

If evolution is just a series of small mutations, wouldn't males getting smaller and weaker jaws make them less likely to survive? How did the parasitism even evolve? Did a male angler fish suddenly think, okay I'm just going to bite this female, and somehow they fused?

submitted by /u/Crafe
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Lightning equalizes charge between the ground and air - but how does that charge get to be different?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:58 AM PDT

Logistically, how do you move terminally ill patients - particularly across the ocean? e.g. Charlie Gard

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:00 AM PDT

Charlie Gard is currently on mechanical ventilation. If the UK High Courts had approved his transportation to the United States, how would that work? What would the costs be?

submitted by /u/send_me_newds
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According to some reports, Arabia was once a "lush green paradise" with monsoon rains. What happened to it?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:01 AM PDT

Why is it all sandy and hot now? What happened? I think it is explained in it that Monsoon passes it every 23,000 years? Why is that? Why 23,000 years? What are the factors behind the arrival of the monsoon, the time, and it leaving? If I'm being wrong and there is no monsoon, then can you give me the reasons it's hot and dry now?

submitted by /u/NoorArif
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How is it that different breeds of Canis lupus familiaris (domesticated dog) can develop to be so different in specific individual populations around the world, yet not be subject to speciation?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 07:29 AM PDT

Distinct breeds exist that vary in size, shape, and other physical qualities greatly, and have evolved that way in specific populations across the globe. Does the way humans selectively bred the species have something to do with it?

submitted by /u/spoofbot
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Is there any UV radiation at night time?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:24 PM PDT

Perhaps from the moon, etc. What about in cloudy nights?

submitted by /u/ranannory
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What shape is the universe? Also what's outside of the universe?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 02:19 PM PDT

how does the BENDS effect people in submarines? shouldn't the atmospheric pressure within the submarine be controlled?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 03:12 AM PDT

everyone knows to never go flying the same day you're in the deep sea, but if you're in a submarine, why does it matter? Aren't we able to maintain sea level atmospheric pressure within the submarine no matter how deep we go? if not then how come, because i believe airplanes are pressure controlled so the tech should be there

submitted by /u/CptSnowcone
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Why is the ocean salty?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 12:43 AM PDT

What machine/process is used to apply a mirror finish to sunglasses?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 06:21 AM PDT

Is it possible to estimate the amount of biomass that went into the creation of a tank of gas?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:40 AM PDT

I know crude oil came from the accumulated decomposition of plants and animals over millennia. Let's say I had a time machine that could rewind a tank of gas back into the organisms it came from - how much biomass would I have? Like, the equivalent of a few shrubs? A small grove of trees? An entire forest?

submitted by /u/Speckles
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When copying files between hard drives, why does data transfer speed increase exponentially (before reaching the peak)?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 05:21 AM PDT

Hi. I just copied some video files from my external hard drive to an internal one and noticed how the transfer speed started very low and grew almost perfectly exponentially before reaching and hovering around the max. I took a screenshot:

I was wondering if the transfer speed always grows this neatly and what the reason behind that is.

submitted by /u/NikiHerl
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How's do you mathematically define stability of, for example, a objects orbit?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 02:40 AM PDT

It can be easy to observe whether or not something is stable, i.e. a pencil being balanced on the end of a finger. But what would constitute a mathematical definition of mechanical stability? Is it situationally dependent?

submitted by /u/Appaulingly
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How do websites/apps keep track of who accesses them? What kind of information does the owner of a website/app get without the user giving it up?

Posted: 24 Jul 2017 01:47 AM PDT

Do they know the IP address of the computer accessing the website? The user's ISP? The user's app store login? I'm just wondering how websites deal with spam/unwanted content.

submitted by /u/Juan-man
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Is it possible to create visible light by the interference of infrared and ultraviolet light? If yes what would we see?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 03:14 PM PDT

What is a holosystolic murmur?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 04:02 PM PDT

I understand that systolic murmurs can be midsystolic, early systolic, late systolic, and holosystolic. Since the name doesn't lend much to understand its timing, what is a holosystolic murmur?

submitted by /u/hood_yoda
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What does it physically mean, when a wave function carries an irreducible representation of a crystal lattice?

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 08:26 AM PDT

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