AskScience AMA Series: I'm George Crabtree, Director of DOE’s Batteries and Energy Storage Hub and one of the leaders of the energy storage revolution that seeks to replace traditional, fossil fuel technologies with more sustainable alternatives. AMA! | AskScience Blog


Friday, January 29, 2016

AskScience AMA Series: I'm George Crabtree, Director of DOE’s Batteries and Energy Storage Hub and one of the leaders of the energy storage revolution that seeks to replace traditional, fossil fuel technologies with more sustainable alternatives. AMA!

AskScience AMA Series: I'm George Crabtree, Director of DOE’s Batteries and Energy Storage Hub and one of the leaders of the energy storage revolution that seeks to replace traditional, fossil fuel technologies with more sustainable alternatives. AMA!

AskScience AMA Series: I'm George Crabtree, Director of DOE’s Batteries and Energy Storage Hub and one of the leaders of the energy storage revolution that seeks to replace traditional, fossil fuel technologies with more sustainable alternatives. AMA!


JCESR is essentially a research partnership integrating government, academic, and industrial researchers from many disciplines to overcome critical scientific and technical barriers and create new breakthrough energy storage technology. Using chemistry, computers and a host of other tools, our mission is to deliver two prototypes, one for transportation and one for the grid, which when scaled to manufacturing are capable of delivering five times the energy density at one-fifth the cost of the commercial batteries available at our launch in 2012.

I will be back at 2:00 pm EST (11 am PST, 7 pm UTC) to answer you questions.

submitted by /u/George_Crabtree
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Why can mosquito transmitted viruses, such as Zika, only be transmitted by a specific mosquito species?


I'm struggling with the concept that a virus like Zika can only spread through a specific mosquito species, why not all mosquitos, fleas, ticks, and all the other blood suckers out there. Also, looking for a detailed explanation of the entire virus transfer from one person to another, I feel like I may not have a good grasp on the transfer process and I would like to understand it better. Thanks.

Edit: I have been informed I should have used genus instead of species in the title. thanks!

submitted by /u/explanationmark
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If I flip a coin. Tails I stop and heads I flip again. What will be the average coin flip before I stop?


How exactly are memories forgotten, and where do they go?


Why do electrical clocks drift and why are atomic clocks more accurate and don't drift as much?


I know some use vibrating quartz. Are the vibrations just not measured accurately or is it something to do with the quartz? Any other thing you can think about this subject would be cool, or if you know of a good lecture/talk about it. Anyways thanks for taking the time to read.

submitted by /u/firehurts13
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Is evolution always a very slow and gradual process? Has there ever been a freak mutation, an extra weird little finger or something, that caught on and became streamlined and "healthy" over time?


Was wondering about this as I toiled away

submitted by /u/asdfasdfasdf123451
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what is it called when you put others down for something you like that may be a little weird?


So, what i'm wanting to know is what is it called when you feel weird for liking something, so when you hear someone openly say they like it you almost uncontrollably start treating them as less and almost make fun of them?

submitted by /u/SmokeDeToke
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When it snows heavily, why don't the snow clouds result in lightning and thunder?


Like how rain clouds result in lightning and thunder?

submitted by /u/Verdanaveo
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"earth/ground" node in electrical circuits, how does it work?


I can't get my head around earth/ground in electrical circuits, from what I understand the Earth itself is a reservoir of free electrons and it was used as a return pathway in single phase power transmission systems back in the days, but how? And from where these electrons come from?

The earth consists of rocks and dirt which they have a very high resistance to the flow of electrons, how can it be treated as a current carrier? The "ground node" as we refer to it is just a metallic rod/mesh buried in the ground

submitted by /u/rootofminusone
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Explanation of Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse. Specifically, why does adding bolts increase the load?


The original design had a beam, with a bolt at the end, with the nut connected at the bottom.

The constructed structure had a beam with two bolts, the bolt closest the the center had a nut connected at the top, and the bolt at the end had a bolt connected at the bottom.

Here is the image if my explanation was hard to follow:

submitted by /u/anooblol
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Why does a photons frequency increase when it has more energy?


What about the energy increase causes this?

submitted by /u/vacantbanana
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when a gene is recessive both parents need that gene in order for the trait to show, does this also mean that when both parents have that gene that definitely shows up?


since the "ginger-gene" is recessive do all siblings have red hair then?

TL;DR: is my sister my sister?

submitted by /u/Enum1
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how are some neutron stars not black holes?


facts 1- anything with a radius equal to to or smaller than its schwarzchild radius will become a black hole source

2- more massive objects can become black holes by a achieving a density equal to or greater than a less massive object would achieve upon reaching its schwarzchild radius source

3- the smallest observed mass of a neutron star is 1.1-1.4 solar mass source

4- the least dense neutron stars have a density of 3.7*1017 kg/cm3source

5- the sun would only need to achieve a density of 1.84*1016 kg/cm3 source

6- 1.1-1.4 and 3.71017 are greater than 1 and 1.841016 respectively

source- i think this is fairly self evident

clearly some of these facts are wrong but which and how

submitted by /u/randomredditor12345
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Help understanding pH of water?


So I'm only in college biology1 and I'm not quite sure I understand what makes the acidity of water increase or decrease.

Tell me if I've got this right;

  1. Two water molecules are part of a hydrogen bond. This hydrogen bond overpowers the covalent bond and breaks one of the hydrogen atoms and steals it's proton, leaving behind an electron. This makes Hydronium (same as H+?) and hydroxide (same as OH-?)

  2. My textbook only addresses hydronium, saying that the more hydronium in the water the more acidic the water is.

So I understand if there's more hydronium, it's more acidic, but isn't the amount of hydronium the same as the amount of hydroxide?

Should it be saying "the more hydronium AND hydroxide in the water, the more acidic" ?

So then are we saying water, with a pH of 7, has an average amount of H+ and OH- and thusly water that is more alkaline has less than average number of H+ and OH- breaks?

submitted by /u/miiitchhh
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