
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

AskScience AMA Series: Graduate and Professional School AMA

AskScience AMA Series: Graduate and Professional School AMA

AskScience AMA Series: Graduate and Professional School AMA

Posted: 28 Oct 2015 05:00 AM PDT

Hi everyone!

We have a lot of panelists here to help answer your questions about any and all post-undergraduate schools. We have a wide range of disciplines, career trajectories, and countries covered. As some may be thinking about pursuing advanced degrees right about now, we thought this AMA would give you the chance to ask a lot of experienced people about the applications, the work required, the lifestyle, and the choices we made. Below are some of our panelists, and others will join in throughout the day, so ask all of us anything!

/u/adamsolomon - Hi there. K, so I was an undergrad at Yale (astronomy and physics), did my masters and PhD at Cambridge (theoretical physics) and am now a postdoc at Penn.

/u/Andromeda321 - I am a PhD student in astronomy, currently studying in the Netherlands and hoping to finish my doctorate within the year. I am, however, an American- I came to Europe after a BSc and MSc in Physics at CWRU in Ohio. My current specialization for my PhD is radio astronomy, but my physics background was in cosmic ray physics.

I'm happy to answer any questions about grad school in astronomy, physics, or what it's like to switch from the American system to the European one or vice versa (as they are rather different!). I wrote an (astro specific) article on applying to Europe here that may be of interest to people.

/u/AsAChemicalEngineer - I'm a current graduate student at my university's department of physics. I'm interested in high energy research especially in beyond the standard model. I joined in a sort of unorthodox manner and during the academic year and the most important thing I learned from the application process is that almost every problem can be solved by more paperwork and someone's signature.

/u/dazosan - I am currently a 5th year PhD student studying protein biochemistry at SUNY Buffalo. I am planning on moving on to a postdoc by Febuary. I was a poor student in college and thought I didn't like research, so I thought I could make something of myself as a high school teacher, which is how I ended up in Buffalo. Turns out I just needed a second chance at lab research! Ask me anything about grad school, turning a bum GPA around, or what newly minted STEM PhDs are experiencing!

/u/EagleFalconn - My name is Shakeel Dalal. I hold a dual bachelors in Chemistry and Applied Physics from Purdue University, where I graduated in 2009. That same year, I started at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, where I received a PhD in Physical Chemistry working on thin films of organic glasses in 2014. You can read a little more about my graduate school research in this thread from /r/science. I'm currently a research scientist at a company in suburban Chicago, working on things only tangentially related to what I did in graduate school. I don't regret going to grad school, but the fact that I couldn't get a job using my already developed expertise is disheartening. I'm happy with what I'm doing now, but I lament opportunities I didn't get, and I will probably be the debbie downer of this thread. AMA.

/u/electric_ionland - I have done most of my higher education in France where I went to an aerospace engineering school to get the French equivalent of a Master of Science in Engineering. I got the opportunity to do a double degree with an American university. After 2 years in the US I graduated with both the French and American MS with a specialisation in experimental fluid dynamics. I am now doing a PhD on ion thrusters in a public research institution in France.

/u/elitemeatt - I am a graduate student at GSU pursuing a MS in Biology. My research focuses on investigating the genetic basis for developing neurons. I am in the process of applying to PhD programs.

/u/Jobediah - I am an assistant professor of biology at Arcadia University. My academic history includes undergraduate research on turtle breathing and locomotion, a Masters degree on the development of escape swimming in salamanders, a PhD on the evolution of developmental plasticity. My two post docs were in far-flung places studying red-eyed treefrogs in Panama and frogs and salamanders Western Kentucky. I did an interview about AskScience last year and I like turtles.

/u/liedra - I did my BSc (Honours I) with majors in Computer Science and History & Philosophy of Science at the University of Sydney, Australia, then my PhD in Computer Ethics at Charles Sturt University, Australia. During my undergraduate years and for a year after I worked part time as first line helpdesk support for a couple of companies, then as a Linux systems administrator, PHP/Cold Fusion web programmer, Python programmer, and editor for, which used to be a pretty cool open source software site back in the dotcom heyday of the internet. Throughout that time I decided that no, I didn't want to become a sysadmin or programmer so I went back to uni and did my Honours year and then I won a scholarship for my PhD. Then a couple of postdocs and now I'm a Senior Lecturer in technology ethics in the UK, where I'm 50/50 research teaching in a permanent position in a post-92 university (which I enjoy a lot).

/u/noschoolspirit - Hello!

I obtained my undergraduate degree in Geology and Mathematics at the University of South Florida (USF). There, I took an interest in hydrological processes and applied for a Masters at the University of Florida. My masters thesis modeled fluid flow in carbonate aquifers during high discharge events; specifically looking at aquifer storage during floods. This got me interested in the mechanics of flow and subsurface storage, and what effect this had on flood magnitude on a broader scale. I applied to Michigan Tech for a degree in Civil Engineering focusing on water resources to try and tackle this problem. I also developed an interest and helped on modeling projects involving glacier hydrology. I am due to graduate with a Ph.D. in Spring 2016. My research considers:

  1. The role of watershed process on flood frequency and magnitude. This involves analyzing the impacts of specific process on stream response.
  2. Climate change and the evolution in flood series statistics used to predict floods
  3. Karst (carbonate) terrain evolution and geomorphology (including its impact on regionalization in flood frequency analysis)
  4. Glacier hydrology and motion

So basically anything related to surface and subsurface hydrology and their interactions.

/u/pengdrew - Here are a few notes about me:

  • B.A. in Biology from a small Liberal Arts College.
  • PhD in Biology from Top R1 University.
  • Dissertation was on Telomere dynamics & Aging in a long lived species. In addition to field and laboratory research, I TAd extensively and also was lead Instructor for an intro course during my PhD.
  • Currently a PostDoc at my PhD Institution, currently interviewing in industry and academia.

/u/piper - I studied math and biochemistry at Carleton College and then worked in industry (molecular diagnostics) a bit before deciding to get a PhD. I ended up at the University of Chicago in the Dept of Human Genetics for my doctorate and then did a short post doc at the University of Washington in Genome Sciences before accepting a tenure track position at the University of Texas Health Science Center School of Public Health. I have an appointment in the Graduate School of Biomedical Science (a program shared with MD Anderson), and I formally collaborate with Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center. I'm happy to answer any and all questions about training, my time in industry, and all levels of academic life!

/u/quant_liz_lemon is a 3rd year Quantitative Psychology graduate student with an invisible disability. She studies the influence of personality and intelligence on important lifetime outcomes, using quasi-experimental designs. She is supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. She intends to go into academia, which is why she is pursuing a Quantitative Psychology PhD instead of a Personality PhD -- the job market is much better for quant, in both industry and academia.

/u/Silpion - I studied physics in college and in grad school, where my research was in experimental nuclear astrophysics. After getting my PhD I decided to leave basic physics and not pursue a postdoc. I am currently in a medical physics residency, training for a career as a clinical medical physicist in radiation oncology.

/u/silverphoinix - I went to school, did my undergrad and am completeing my PhD in UK. My BSc was in Chemistry with Forensic Science, and now I am working in a Materials Engineering department studying Magnetism. I am aiming to continue in academia and have already been in contact with potential post-doctoral supervisors. During my UG I spent my summers working in a research lab for Inorganic and Solid State Chemistry. Basically I have had quite the change in fields! So feel free to ask me questions about higher / further education in the UK, fears of changing research / subject areas, or just what is different about being a PhD compared to undergraduate.

/u/superhelical - Hey! I did mu undergrad in biochemistry at a mid-sized university outside of Toronto, and am currently completing my PhD at McGill University in Montreal. I'm currently in the search of a post-doc position in molecular modelling and single-molecule studies.

/u/taciturnbob - I've had a rather circuitous route, considering engineering, medicine, and finance as an undergraduate. I dropped out of a biomedical engineering PhD program to pursue Public Health. I worked as a state HIV epidemiologist while getting my MPH from GWU, and am now a PhD candidate at Johns Hopkins. I am based in Liberia working on a project to strengthen health information systems.

/u/theratwhowouldbeking - I did a BSc in Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, and my MSc and PhD in Psychology at University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. I'm now a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta.

submitted by AskScienceModerator
[link] [38 comments]

The eq of electrostatic force is F=kQ1Q2/r2, so in LHC should it be impossible to collide 2 protons together in Synchrotron as r=0 and F=Infinity?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015 05:13 AM PDT

If you struck a tuning fork in space, would it vibrate forever?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 06:47 PM PDT

My understanding is that a tuning fork stops vibrating overtime because it transfers it's energy to the surrounding medium. So if there were no medium, shouldn't it vibrate forever?

submitted by Rideron150
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Why does CO2 from carbonated drinks have that distinctive "feel" and taste, but the CO2 from my lungs doesn't?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 12:14 PM PDT

By "CO2" from my lungs, I mean the air that I normally exhale when breathing.

submitted by 2Punx2Furious
[link] [15 comments]

At what point does the gravitational pull between two planets orbiting a star become negligible?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015 12:25 AM PDT

My problem is this: given two planets with x and y mass, both orbiting a star (assume zero eccentricity and the same inclination), how far apart do the orbits need to be so that they are stable over a reasonably long time frame?

To ensure I'm doing this correctly I'll post my process: using F = G ( m1 * m2 / r2 ) from here and using the closest approach distance as the radius. Then a = F/m where F is the force (N) given in the previous equation and m (kg) is from either planet - assuming the answer is in m/s2. So this gives the acceleration at closest approach, and I'm assuming I could evaluate this against some kind of threshold to determine a safe amount.

Edit: Just to clarify, this is not a homework question (on reflection I noticed it may sound that way). I'm a game developer trying to implement a realistic and customisable solar system into my game.


submitted by Oneiros86
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If Earth had a second moon hidden exactly behind the Moon, how would we know?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 08:11 AM PDT

Assume that the second moon would be small or distant enough to be entirely eclipsed by our current moon. In addition, its orbit speed matches up with the moon's orbit in such a way so that it always stays exactly behind it from Earth's point of reference at all times.

What would we be able to detect in order to realize this body existed, short of sending probes far enough from earth to find it? Additionally, what effects might this second moon have on Earth, if any?

submitted by nekoramza
[link] [54 comments]

What determines a tree's color of its leaves in Fall?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 05:21 PM PDT

How do bridges stay standing when they are located over a body of water that freezes over every winter?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 06:44 AM PDT

I saw a picture of the Mackinac Bridge as it spanned a frozen Lake Michigan. How does the pressure from the ice not break or warp the concrete? So I have recently moved to Michigan from Florida and this may be normal education for people up north but it is something that they do really teach in the south.

Original post:

submitted by RurackMI
[link] [13 comments]

Do geostationary orbits decay? If so, how?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 04:24 PM PDT

Do the orbits of satellite in geostationary orbit decay over time? If so, what does it look like- does the satellite develop a slight drift with respect to the rotation of the earth? Does it become elliptical?

submitted by Akilou
[link] [10 comments]

Do people with Asperger syndrome know that they have the syndrome?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 03:40 PM PDT

Just curious

submitted by PekkyFTW
[link] [10 comments]

Is the moon's gravity strong enough that we could put satellites around it?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 01:29 PM PDT

According to Newton's 3rd law of motion, how can there be unbalanced forces?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 03:57 PM PDT

Sorry, I know this isn't really that hard of a concept to comprehend, but I'm having trouble with it and I thought maybe someone could help me to understand how.

So, If I jump upwards at 5m/s2, and I weigh 60KG, I would exert an unbalanced force of 300N against the earth - but (to my understanding) the Earth would also exert -300N of force, meaning that the resultant force is 0N... how Is it possible that I move?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by OnePrettyFlyWhiteGuy
[link] [2 comments]

I've always been told that coal takes millions of years to form. At what point does something like peat go from being called peat to coal, is there an inbetween?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 08:57 AM PDT

Does consciousness affect quantum mechanics ?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015 02:55 AM PDT

Fundamental units?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 11:46 AM PDT

Here's an idea: The value of every constant known to me depends only on the used unit system. For example c = 3e8 m/s but it could be any value I want, assumed I come up with the right units. Could it be, that there is a "fundamental unit system" so every constant become one? I'm aware that those constants wouldn't get obsolete just because there value is one but it would simplify math and it would be nice to know, in what dimension such units would be. Thanks ins advance!

submitted by Axyron
[link] [8 comments]

How has the universe conserved energy from the big bang until now?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 09:34 AM PDT

In evolution process, when do two varieties of same species become two different species?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 10:14 AM PDT

Two varieties of same species have small difference in chromosome and two species have different chromosome number. When does that happen following evolution process?

submitted by cauchif
[link] [7 comments]

Which element produces the most neutrons after nuclear fission?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 12:24 PM PDT

Why does the amount of activation energy required to start a non-catalyzed/inhibited reaction depend on the reactants?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 03:48 PM PDT

In high-school chemistry, we learn that we need different amounts of activation energy to cause a reaction. The exact amount we need depends on the reactants. So, for example, if we want to make water, the easiest way to do so is by mixing an acid with a base. The amount of energy that would be required to make H2 and O2 react to form water is much, much greater. Why?

Edit: I found an explanation on why we have activation energy from

"To understand why reactions have an activation energy, consider what has to happen in order for ClNO2 to react with NO. First, and foremost, these two molecules have to collide, thereby organizing the system. Not only do they have to be brought together, they have to be held in exactly the right orientation relative to each other to ensure that reaction can occur. Both of these factors raise the free energy of the system by lowering the entropy. Some energy also must be invested to begin breaking the Cl-NO2 bond so that the Cl-NO bond can form."

I read on Wikipedia ( that it's the electrostatic force that creates the bond. My question now becomes: Why is the amount of electrostatic force dependent on the molecule?

Edit: I guess I was a little wrong. For covalent bonds (I think) there's also the sharing of electrons that creates more resistance between the two molecules.

submitted by moonman239
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If I had 2 objects of mass, say, 5kg and placed them both in a frictionless environment, say, 10m apart, due to Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation, would these 2 objects move together and eventually touch after a long period of time?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 02:07 PM PDT

The Universal Law of Gravitation states that: F = G(m1m2) / r2

So if 2 objects were placed in a frictionless environment theoretically they should move. I was wondering if they would actually move if done in real life, and how long it would take them to touch.

i enjoy learning about gravity and think reddit can help solve some of my wierd questions about it.

submitted by Greeny3ny
[link] [8 comments]

If a protein in lizard blood kills Lyme bacteria, can it be used for humans?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 01:50 PM PDT

I was recently reading how the Western Fence Lizard (aka blue-belly) has a protein that literally kills the Lyme bacteria within an hour of contact. This seems like it would be a pretty powerful weapon in treating Lyme disease. Would it be possible to synthesize and use in humans?

submitted by gotskott
[link] [2 comments]

How to mitochondria move around inside cells?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 01:41 PM PDT

There is a plethora of information on the roles of Mitochondria, but I'm struggling to find information on how they move around within cells.

submitted by a1thirteen
[link] [6 comments]

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Which stimuli reactes the fastest? Visual, auditory or tactile?

Which stimuli reactes the fastest? Visual, auditory or tactile?

Which stimuli reactes the fastest? Visual, auditory or tactile?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 10:06 PM PDT

Why are there so many fundamental constants in the universe and what fixed their values?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 12:30 AM PDT

There are so many fundamental constants in the universe - e.g. mass of proton, electron, speed of light etc. What actually fixed their values? E.g. why is the speed of light 299792458m/s and not some other value like 400000m/s?

submitted by known9unknown
[link] [2 comments]

Why do our arms and fingers in a relaxed state have a bend to them?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 08:59 PM PDT

Does having this trait carry an adaptive advantage as opposed to having straight arms and fingers on an evolutionary standpoint?

submitted by Tragicbeef
[link] [8 comments]

Mathematically, how would I prove that (ab)/(cd) = (a/c)(b/d)?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 07:20 PM PDT

I am sure this is probably trivial, but I am getting stuck on this one. I am a fifth grade teacher, including math, and I like to always know the reason behind things I teach.

How would I prove that (ab)/(cd) = (a/c)(b/d) using fundamental properties of arithmetic? Assuming of course c and d aren't zero here. And by "fundamental properties of arithmetic" I mean things like the associative property, commutative property etc. (I am not sure I have my terminology right. I would also appreciate any book recommendations that would help here.)

submitted by saobentosaobento
[link] [11 comments]

Why do bottles have necks?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 08:05 PM PDT

Why have bottles come to the shape that they do? Does the neck serve any purpose other than aesthetics, and what differentiates a "jar" from a "bottle"?

submitted by AA_murderfish
[link] [24 comments]

If heat kills bacteria, why can't you simply reheat all food, no matter how old?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 12:20 PM PDT

If heat kills bacteria, then why are there so many guidelines for food safety? Couldn't you just reheat any food and kill that bacteria?

(obv this might impact taste, but it seems simpler than the complex food safety laws)

submitted by Robberbaron212
[link] [35 comments]

Can em/radio waves be received with anything other than metal antennas?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 02:43 PM PDT

How long it takes to universe double its size?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 10:16 PM PDT

I have done some calculation, but Im not sure if its so simple:

Hubble constant: 67.8 km/s/megaparsec (67800 m/s/megaparsec)

1 Megaparsec = 308567757144092000000 km

308567757144092000000 / 67.8 (and converting to years)

14 421 697 482.514454 years (14.4 billion years)

Did I missed something? Universe never "doubled" its size, most of space exists now was created during inflation period?

submitted by rmonico
[link] [1 comment]

(Economics) How do we accurately measure a standard of living?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 10:35 PM PDT

Is there a true method to measuring a certain standard of living? If so, what are some of the independent variables used in measuring it? How is standard of living defined? These questions have left me puzzled and curious. Don't know if i came to the right place.

submitted by claypakyman
[link] [3 comments]

Is the acquisition or loss of a plasmid in a bacterial population considered evolution?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 10:10 PM PDT

Or would it only be considered evolution if there were changes in the chromosomal DNA?

submitted by andibee
[link] [1 comment]

Is there a mental disorder that causes the delusion of having other mental disorders?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 09:53 PM PDT

The delusions would be of experiencing symptoms of other disorders. Someone may claim to suffer from schizophrenia, show no symptoms of it, yet claim to experience many or all of the non-observable symptoms.

I am not referring to factitious disorders, where the individual is intentionally spreading lies.

submitted by Questions553
[link] [2 comments]

What does the body do with the materials from phagocytosis?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 10:59 PM PDT

Is all of the digested material shuttled out of the cell or have we evolved ways to utilize things like nucleotides and proteins from foreign bacteria?

submitted by im_jeff_daniels
[link] [1 comment]

Why do we call our moon "Moon" instead of an actual name?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 05:40 PM PDT

So as most people (I hope) know, moon is not a proper noun, it refers to a mass that orbits a planet. All of the other planets in our solar systems have moons with specific names, like Europa, Io, etc. However, Earth's is just "moon."

Why is this? Why isn't our moon named something?

submitted by Trajer
[link] [23 comments]

WHY do we say that, in quantum mechanics, time does not correspond to an observable? We can obviously measure time, so surely there MUST be some time operator that exists.

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 07:45 PM PDT

So I missed a lecture a couple weeks ago and am finally catching up with notes on it. On my lecturer's notes it says "time in quantum used to label the state, and not an observable". But we CAN measure time, so why does it not have an observable? Surely it has one, and we just haven't found it yet?

submitted by cow_co
[link] [4 comments]

If I dug down to the Earth-Moon barycenter undergound and stood in its exact area, would anything interesting occur?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 07:01 AM PDT

Why do Humans have armpit-hair?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 08:29 PM PDT

Why is absolute zero theoretical?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 07:11 PM PDT

I am aware that we are unable to reach this temperature but why is it impossible to reach?

submitted by Almyteacivil
[link] [2 comments]

Is IBM's Watson considered a Strong or Weak AI, and can we even classify AI with out truly knowing what intelligence is?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 09:52 PM PDT

I am a Freshman Computer Science major and have been struggling to grasp what AI truly is. After learning about Watson and how he/she/it is designed to learn as a human would I figured Watson would be considered a Strong AI. I quickly learned that this is not the case according to some experts and was confused as to why. I figured that after a day of reading both side's arguments I should ask /r/askscience their opinion.

submitted by SquaredCubed
[link] [3 comments]

Why do orcas have such large eye spots?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 08:14 PM PDT

They're apex predators and have essentially no known predators. Yet eye spots in nature are generally used by PREY to ward off others. For orcas, I bet they're an evolutionary remnant from millions of years ago when there WERE larger predatory species that used to literally prey on orcas. That's a cool thought

submitted by chaotemagick
[link] [3 comments]

Does the human body use stored (old) fat or newly digested fat for energy first?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 04:18 PM PDT

How do we describe momentum quantitatively?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 09:23 PM PDT

I know P = mv, but how do we explain it quantitatively, (e.g. velocity is a rate with a direction)? I know the closest I can get is P is the integral of F in respect to time.

submitted by justaphysicsmajor
[link] [4 comments]

How much meaningful data (words) can the average person memorize and be able to perfectly recall at will indefinitely?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 06:18 PM PDT

Say I wanted to memorize a random book, or 5 books, or 20 books, but then I wanted to be able to perfectly recall, or orally recite, the information I have memorized at will. Is there an upper bounds to the amount of information the average person can memorize in this manner and keep it all straight within the context of each source?

From my own experience with memorizing various long passages of text, I have to periodically "refresh" myself to maintain the integrity of what I have memorized. This is usually accomplished through simple recitation to myself from memory. I am just curious how much I can realistically memorize.

submitted by mb3581
[link] [2 comments]

Monday, October 26, 2015

If nylon stockings rip all the time, why don't we use another material?

If nylon stockings rip all the time, why don't we use another material?

If nylon stockings rip all the time, why don't we use another material?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 01:34 PM PDT

Surely another, more suitable, material exists?

submitted by Bajs_er_najs
[link] [603 comments]

Can a particle be annihilated by a non-matching anti-particle?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 10:18 AM PDT

Electrons and positrons can annihilate on contact.

There are others sets of particles and anti-particles that can do the same. (Quarks and anti-quarks)

Can an electron and anti-quark annihilate, or would a container made of quarks and empty of electrons be able to contain positrons with no annihilation happening. (Assuming the positrons couldn't reach past the wall somehow).

Given there are anti-protons and anti-neutrons made of quarks, can the quarks within them lead to a partial annihilation. (A proton quark annihilates an anti-neutron anti-quark leaving other quarks and anti-quarks behind)

submitted by AnnihilationQuestion
[link] [90 comments]

When looking at text through a wine-glass filled with water, why are the text both reversed AND upside down?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 10:03 AM PDT

I recently watched a video regarding arrows reversing behind a glass filled with water, and the concept of the light refracting through the glass and water to flip the image/text behind it horizontally was easily understood.

Last night I coincidentally saw this phenomenon when a friend's wine-glass was put in front of my pc's monitor with the digital-time showing behind the glass from where I sat. I thought "Yes! I'll try to sound smart by explaining to them why the time on my monitor were reversed and upside down when seen through the wine glass!". So I started explaining and got the the part of why it was flipped horizontally, but then I didn't know why the time was flipped upside down as well.

Today I tried finding an answer online but only the typical horizontally flipped explanations were found. Then I thought about the shape of the glass itself; that the light entering the wine-glass from my point of view was being refracted both horizontally and vertically as opposed to only being flipped horizontally through a cylindrical-shaped glass as in the video.

Is it correct to assume that this is because of the shape of the glass?


submitted by Crystal_Metheny
[link] [12 comments]

Would it be possible to transfer the rotational momentum of the earth into usable energy?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 10:37 AM PDT

Can animals tell if others of their kind suffer from significant mutation, and does it affect how they socialise?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 08:45 AM PDT

Does sociopaths and psychopaths have nightmares?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 12:41 PM PDT

Last night after a bad dream while trying to sleep again I start wondering, since sociopaths and psychopaths lack remorse or empathy, how would their nightmares be? or do they even have nightmares at all? some of my most terrible dreams are losing somebody close to me or hurting somebody I truly care. Can´t imagine someone with these disorders losing sleep for something like that.

submitted by tecko93
[link] [86 comments]

How close are we to be able to use nuclear fusion to produce our energy?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 05:34 AM PDT

I was taught when I was in school that fusion, at that time, took more energy to achieve than was released. However I heard someone claiming that we are very close to achieving fusion with a net energy output (I think its called cold fusion?). How true is this?

submitted by Maletak
[link] [1 comment]

Since DNA is an acid, is there such thing as DNA salts?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 05:40 AM PDT

Why is an accretion disk formed around a black hole instead of all the matter getting absorbed by the black hole instantaneously? Does this mean that black holes have a limit for rate at which matter can be absorbed?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 10:14 PM PDT

Why is isopropyl alcohol sold in drugstores, etc., instead of propyl alcohol?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 12:21 PM PDT

I understand the difference between propanol and 2-propanol, but why is 2-propanol/isopropyl alcohol sold in stores as a cleaning agent rather than its isomer? What is the advantage to this?


submitted by goocumber
[link] [9 comments]

Where is the center of gravity between earth and the moon? Are we revolving about that? If so how does it affect our orbit of the sun?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 01:51 PM PDT

Are Positrons Antiparticles or Antimatter?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 05:53 AM PDT

So: Take an electron. Its opposite is a positron, correct?

A positron is an anti-electron, right? (Yes.... I have read wikipedia!)

Is a positron antimatter? (Wiki says it is.....)

Or just an anti-particle, made of matter, not antimatter? (Again wiki says it is so.... to my surprise...)

If so, what exactly is antimatter? Just oppositely charged atomic & subatomic particles?

Could you have electrons and positrons made of matter AND electrons and positrons made of antimatter?

Or have I misunderstood the whole antimatter thing completely, and over thought / over complicated it?

submitted by theoldun
[link] [3 comments]

Why did they take fluoride out of the water?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 08:54 PM PDT

Recently my city decided to take fluoride out of the public water and I can't find any unbiased or not-zany information as to why they did this. A couple of people I've talked to say that it was a tax dollar thing and that fluoride in water isn't actually good for your teeth and it was more to help keep pipes from corroding. I don't trust these viewpoints so I have a couple of questions.

1.) In addition to healthy teeth (and mind control /s), what is the other purpose of adding fluoride to drinking water if any.

2.) Does fluoride in drinking water make much of a difference in preventing tooth decay? I've read a few stories of other places that have removed it (Calgary, Portland) and dentists claim there has been an increase in tooth decay, primarily among children aged 6 and under. Is there any evidence of this that's not anecdotal?

3.) What are reasons that cities stop fluoridation? Just to save cash?

Edit: clarity.

submitted by kyroglyphic
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How many foreign entities does your body's immune system actively fight against on average at given time?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 09:20 PM PDT

What is the binding energy of a black hole?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 09:44 AM PDT

Does it even make sense for that question to be asked? If so, the binding energy can presumably be exceeded if the black hole had an incredibly high charge. Though such a situation would never occur in our universe, what would happen?

submitted by AsuranB
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Why do black holes spew matter in two directions only instead of in all possible directions?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 10:33 PM PDT

Why would black holes be only able to spew matter from two poles?

submitted by Lilographics
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Are there mirror that only reflect ultraviolet wavelengths and not light in the visible spectrum?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 11:59 PM PDT

If ordinary silver mirrors reflect just light in the visible band, then does there exist mirrors made of materials that exclusively reflect light in the infrared, x-ray, or uv family of spectra in exclusion to other wavelengths?

submitted by KarmaHandouts
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Are atoms actually bouncing off of each other in a gas? Or do they approach each other, and then get pushed apart by electrostatic repulsion?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 11:50 PM PDT

Why is it that when metal conductors are cooled they have lower resistance? Can you lower resistance by increasing pressure as well?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 05:32 AM PDT

What is going on at the molecular&/subatomic levels that makes this possible? Thanks!

submitted by masterfoo
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Was prehistoric man less intelligent than modern man, or do we just know more?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 10:15 PM PDT

What would the physiological effects of brief exposure to vacuum be after exposure?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 08:55 PM PDT

To elaborate, I have read several articles and informational pieces on the subject, but cannot find enough specific information to satisfy my specific curiosity.

Specifically, I am a writer, and have come across the need to detail the physical effects on a subject of being exposed to decompression to vacuum over a period of approximately 5-10 seconds, followed by an additional 5-10 seconds of exposure to vacuum, then repressurization over approximately 30-60 seconds. I am hoping to get some fairly concrete information to firstly be sure that such a scenario would be survivable without significant medical aid afterwards, and secondly to properly describe whatever physiological after-effects would occur.

If important to the outcome, the subject is a woman of approximately 25 years age of an average physical build and general health. The decompression event is not that of being ejected into space, but rather of being stationary inside a vessel as it loses pressure rapidly.

submitted by Doug7070
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Have humans discovered organism(s) that appear to possess the ability to live indefinitely?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 10:36 PM PDT

Is there any possible sun-planet-moon configuration that would yield a full moon every night?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 03:42 AM PDT

As in is there a set parameters (i.e. orbital distances, mass ratios, etc.) that would cause the moon to be "stuck" in "full moon position"?

submitted by Gentlemanchaos
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