
Monday, September 14, 2020

AskScience AMA Series: I'm Emily Calandrelli, I have 4 degrees in science and engineering and I'm the host and co-Executive Producer of Emily's Wonder Lab on NETFLIX - AMA!

AskScience AMA Series: I'm Emily Calandrelli, I have 4 degrees in science and engineering and I'm the host and co-Executive Producer of Emily's Wonder Lab on NETFLIX - AMA!

AskScience AMA Series: I'm Emily Calandrelli, I have 4 degrees in science and engineering and I'm the host and co-Executive Producer of Emily's Wonder Lab on NETFLIX - AMA!

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 04:00 AM PDT

Hi! I'm Emily Calandrelli. I'm the host and co-Executive Producer of the new Netflix show, Emily's Wonder Lab. My bachelors is in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from West Virginia University and I have Masters in Aeronautics and Astronautics as well as Technology and Policy from MIT. I have been working as a science TV show host, children's book author, and public speaker for the last 7 years. AMA!

I'll be on at 2 PM ET (18 UT), AMA!

Username: /u/emilycal

submitted by /u/AskScienceModerator
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If you are tested coronavirus positive but have no visible symptoms or extremely mild ones, do you develop the relevant antibodies they use in the antibody tests?

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 04:56 AM PDT

With so many covid-19 vaccines using different strategies and a range of different techniques, what might happen if a person was vaccinated with two or more very different types of vaccines?

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:22 AM PDT

For example, I've seen there are whole-virus vaccines, inactivated and live attenuated vaccines, genetic vaccines, DNA vaccines, RNA vaccines, viral vector vaccines, vaccines using adenovirus or other viruses, protein-based vaccines, virus-like particle vaccines and recombinant vaccines

What might happen if someone got more than one type of covid-19 vaccine? Would it be redundant? Could it be more effective? Could it confuse the immune system?

submitted by /u/Kingkwon83
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What is the most effective way to vaccinate a large percent of a population in order to stop a disease?

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:22 AM PDT

Covid-19 vaccines will be ready in a few months and countries are purchasing them in order to control the pandemic. Is there any research on how you choose who to vaccinate in order to control the disease the best possible way. Ie. do you vaccinate first those who are more vulnerable to the disease, those who are most likely going to spread it or you do it at random???

submitted by /u/l1ner
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How does a dopamine agonist inhibit prolactin production from a prolactinoma? And what do dopamine agonists do secondarily to their intended use in this scenario?

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:11 AM PDT

My vague Wikipedia based understanding is that it encourages the dopamine receptors... And somehow that inhibits prolactin production from a prolactinoma, and also can reduce the size of a prolactinoma?

But also does that mean that there is more dopamine roaming about doing more of what dopamine does?

It seems kinda wild to me... Am I misunderstanding?

submitted by /u/toni_inot
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Why is Artemisinin insoluble in both oils and water?

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:52 AM PDT

Why is Artemisinin (antimalarial) insoluble in oils and water and how does its chemical structure contribute to this characteristics?

submitted by /u/abcdefgbunny
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can the flu affect one's cognitive abilities? (during the time he has fever)

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:24 AM PDT

title, when the person is suffering is it possible for this to occur? aka problem solving,memory or any other cognitive ability?

submitted by /u/Nimaon
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If water has a greater volume when frozen, shouldn't the melting of the ice caps actually lower the sea level?

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:20 AM PDT

If we created more synthetic elements, would we discover a new orbital?

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:02 AM PDT

Every two layers down the periodic table, a new orbital is formed. If new synthetic elements were created, would we eventually discover a new orbital, and why? If we would, is it possible to predict anything about it, such as its capacity?

submitted by /u/Topskunium
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Does anaphase in the cell cycle produce a cleavage furrow or is it only during telophase?

Posted: 13 Sep 2020 11:45 PM PDT

Are the number of bytes output from a compression algorithm directly proportionate to the number of input bytes?

Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:44 PM PDT

Hello AskScience,

For both lossless and lossy compression algorithms, is the size of the compressed data directly proportional to the size of the input data? For example, let's say I'm using algorithm A on data d1, and the compressed output is size s1. If I run algorithm A on d2, and size(d2)==2*size(d1), will s2 == 2(s1)?

I understand there are many different compression algorithms so this may be hard to answer truly in the general case, just want to get a basic understanding.

submitted by /u/gw4phone
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Why is an oscillating inverted pendulum stable?

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 01:27 AM PDT

An inverted pendulum is unstable, it will fall if nudged.

However, if the pendulum pivot is oscillating fast enough, vertically (but not horizontally?), then the pendulum remains stable.

Why is this? Is there an intuitive way to understand this?

submitted by /u/man-vs-spider
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What is induction and an inductor?

Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:45 PM PDT

All I know is that they are coils of wire and have weird properties. Does resistance have to do anything with it as well?

submitted by /u/Jaguar_St
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Why are sedimentary rock layers clearly defined, rather than being a smoother gradient of colors?

Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:26 AM PDT

Are wisdom teeth related to puberty?

Posted: 13 Sep 2020 09:25 PM PDT

I searched for an answer, but Google isn't helping

submitted by /u/Caniscien
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What are the long term effects on smell from Covid-19?

Posted: 13 Sep 2020 08:51 PM PDT

Many people who have been infected with coronavirus report a loss of smell. Is there any research on how long this lasts and if there is possible permanent damage?

submitted by /u/chunkydrizzle
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How does mercury (Hg) occur in nature? What does mercury-mining look like?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:04 PM PDT

If a spaceship is in the dead of space, unaffected by gravity, will firing the rockets increase the ships speed indefinitely?

Posted: 13 Sep 2020 12:50 PM PDT

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Have cases for other contagious illnesses, such as the common cold, experienced a notable decrease this year due to mask mandates and social distancing?

Have cases for other contagious illnesses, such as the common cold, experienced a notable decrease this year due to mask mandates and social distancing?

Have cases for other contagious illnesses, such as the common cold, experienced a notable decrease this year due to mask mandates and social distancing?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

How does a cell ‘know’ what to become, if they all start from one or two cells and have the same genetic code?

Posted: 13 Sep 2020 05:47 AM PDT

I mean, if a human starts from two cells (sperm & egg) and all subsequent cells have the same DNA, then how does each cell know where it should go, i.e. arm, liver, bone, etc. What's to stop them all trying to become the same thing?

submitted by /u/Compass_Needle
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If you had a set of points but instead of having their coordinates you just have arbitrary values of distance between each of them, how many dimensions would you need in order to map them?

Posted: 13 Sep 2020 01:27 AM PDT

Does the rim on a baking sheet impact heat distribution or circulation in an oven?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:32 PM PDT

A handful of baking articles claim a baking sheet with no rim is superior because the rim on a baking sheet reduces the circulation of heat, resulting in uneven cooking. What is the science behind heat "circulation" in an oven? I understand most home ovens have elements that heat up, and heat the air around them. Do they have fans to evenly distribute the heated air?
Thanks for all the info!

submitted by /u/Buttermytoast55
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Some COVID-10 vaccine candidates (e.g. Oxford) use Adenovirus as a vector to transport mRNA of Sars-CoV-2's spike protein. What if the recipient of such vaccine had a prior infection of that adenovirus and now has immunity against it, will the vaccine still work? if so, how?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 12:45 PM PDT

At what point does a baby's heart start beating, and how?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 11:15 AM PDT

With the amount of smoke generated by the massive wildfires in the western United States, would this help slow global temperature increase by effects similar to Nuclear Winter?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:25 PM PDT

With the amount of smoke being generated, isn't this a similar scenario to where a nuclear scale war causes a "Nuclear Winter"? If this is the case, wouldn't this theoretically help slow and/or decrease the rate of global temperature increase?

submitted by /u/_OoklaTheMok_
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When we have a fever, what physically changes in our bodies to make our internal body temperature go up?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:45 AM PDT

How can uranium hexaflouride have a boiling point lower than its melting point?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:27 AM PDT

Google says the melting point is 147.3°F but the boiling point 133.7°F. How is this possible?

submitted by /u/ishiguro123
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Max heart rates, why do they differ so greatly from person to person and how does it effect performance in a cardio based sport ( get scientific) ?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:36 AM PDT

Please note Regardless of age, I know the older you get the lower your max heart rate gets, what i'm asking is not age related.

Example agred 40 male has a max HR of 200, where as a person of the same fitness level has a Max heart rate of 180

submitted by /u/GODZEHC
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Why is it so difficult to create a medication that fits its intended molecular target perfectly and only works on its intended target?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:06 PM PDT

Does naturally magnetisted magnetite(lodestones) occur on other planets?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 10:16 AM PDT

Humans learnt the properties of magnetism slowly because they found very rare lodestones on earth. I know magnetite occurs on other planets, but do magnetised lodestones exist on the surface of other planets as well?

submitted by /u/lucluc6259
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Is the Palmaris Longus, vestigial or functional?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:30 PM PDT

The palmaris longus (PL) is often cited as a vestigial and functionally useless muscle, although useful as a graft.

Now, while it may not functionally affect the majority of the population in terms of grip strength, it appears that in high level sports requiring strong grip, top athletes are more likely to have a palmaris longus than lower performing athletes.

Another interesting aspect is that the PL may affect the tendency for people to use one hand for writing over the other if the preferred writing hand has a PL.

Using myself as an example, I have a PL on my left wrist and no PL on my right wrist, and it is preferred for writing. Interestingly enough, I prefer to throw with my right, use a knife with my right, strum guitar with my right. In fact about the only things i use my left hand for that is different to a right handed person is writing and using a spoon.

I also notice that when pinching my thumb and pinkie finger together on my left hand, that it is far stronger and can exert pressure and can be positioned directly on my thumb. Whereas my right thumb-pinkie pinch can barely exert any force and cant actually bend far enough to properly meet the thumb, although it certainly can be manually bent further (so flexibility is not the issue)

Given these factors, is it actually correct to call the PL vestigial, when in reality it seems to increase pinch pressure, range of motion, force exertion and dexterity for the pinkie finger?

submitted by /u/Jeffery95
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How are winds "made"?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 12:58 PM PDT

By using a fan we can create a wind. But in nature, how does wind appear?

submitted by /u/DangerASA
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How does a new recessive gene get spread?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:54 AM PDT

When a new recessive allele comes into existance by a mutation obviously only that one individual has it and some of his descentants will have one copy of the allele. But how then does it ever happen that another individual inherits the recessive allele from both parents? I can only think of two options: either the same mutation happens twice (extremly unlikely) or inbreeding of two individuals who got the recessive allele from the same ancestor? Does that mean without inbreeding there would be no recessive allele ever getting activated?

Or am I thinking about this in completly the wrong way and it is the other way around: A new dominant allele comes into existance and it overrides an existing allele that is now considered recessive.

submitted by /u/StopSendingSteamKeys
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Fourier analysis for exoplanet detection?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:30 PM PDT

Dear astronomers,

For context, I am a mecanical engineering student and I am curently taking a class about partial diferential equations and one of the main tools we use for the resolution of some of those equation is the fourier analysis.

Other piece of context, a couple of years ago, I took an introductory class about astronomy and we talked about exoplanet detection by mesuring the dopler shift of the light emitted by the star caused by the movement of the star due to exoplanets orbiting the star. (so the star would "usualy" be centered at a point "C" when no exoplanet would be pulling on it and the gravitationnal pull of an exoplanet would make it, the star, orbit the point "C", causing a dopler shift)

So I have always had this interrogation about how astronomers are able able to detect more than one planet around a star. In fact, to me it used to make no sense that they would be able to detect what movement of the star would be caused by planet A and what movement would be caused by planet B.

So, upon learning about fourier analysis and how you can "easily" extract information about what frequency compose a signal (this technique is used a lot in sound editing), I was wondering if a kind of fourier transform was used to analyse the movement of a star and pull out the component frequency in order to differentiate the different exoplanets influencing a star. ( In fact, you can assimilate the front to back movement of a star to a kind of signal a little bit like in sound editing. It is my understanding that you can mesure this movement using the dopler shift of the star. I would also guess you could use complex numbers to describe the 2D motion of the star, but I have no idea if it is actually mesurable using the dopler shift. )

Finally, I know some other methods are also used for detection, such as the transit method, and, while I dont believe fourier analysis would be a useful tool for differentiating between one large planet and many small ones with this method, I would also like to know how astronomers manage that.

I hope my explanations are clear and I hope someone will understand what I mean. If you are an astronomer, I would love to know how you actually detect exoplanets, as I am sure my understanding is either really dumbed down of totally wrong.

I also apologize for any typo, english is not my mother tongue.

TLDR: I dont get how astronomers manage to differentiate between one big exoplanet and many small one and I am wondering if the answer lies in a nice piece of math I recently learned.

submitted by /u/luigi11156
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Does engaging multiple senses help ingest more information, and to what extent?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:03 AM PDT

When I'm watching a music video, am I actually taking in visual and auditory information simultaneously, or just rapidly switching? Does it matter functionally?

Can using multiple senses meaningfully increase one's "input bandwidth"? Does engaging multiple senses help accelerate learning?

submitted by /u/kexbo
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Struggling to understand the results of this soil nutrient test. Initial reading of phosphorus content was extremely low, but I let the test sit longer than prescribed and now it's much higher? (Much more info included)

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:31 AM PDT

So for starters I'm using a HoldAll Soil Test Kit. There's four tests - pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash. I'm struggling to understand the phosphorus test. The directions have me add a prepared soil+water solution and a capsule of white powder to a small test tube, shake vigorously, and allow to develop for 10 minutes after which I'm supposed to compare to a color chart. I followed the directions and my initial reading was that my phosphorus content was very low. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of this initial reading, but here's where I start to get confused...

This test develops on a blue color intensity scale. The darker the blue, the higher the phosphorus. The first test read at 'very low' but I noticed at the bottom of the test tubes there were several dark blue chunks of sediment. I tried shaking the test to get them to dissolve to no avail. Then I got distracted and walked away. About 24 hours later I came back and the dark blue chunks appeared to have dissolved and the test now reads at 'medium'. Here's a picture of the current state of the test.

So my question is which is the accurate answer? The test was only supposed to develop for 10 minutes, yet the presence of dark blue chunks at the bottom make me wonder if there was an issue with the reagent dissolving resulting in an initial incorrect reading. Or perhaps is this by design and the second reading is the inaccurate one?? Help me science Reddit!

submitted by /u/pinkplaidinosaur
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Is it possible that the original SARS-Cov from 2003, was spread more that it is known, but wasn't detected because the asymptomatic cases weren't tested?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:08 AM PDT

I have read some serology epidemiological studies for SARS seroprevalence, mainly in China, general population and healthcare workers, which showed low percent for seropositive individuals, but can it be because of the short life of the SARS antibodies?

Also there was one study which tested animal traders in China, and 13% had antibodies to SARS. This may show that the antibodies can last longer if the person is exposed constantly to the antigen.

Another study showed that 1.8% of blood samples from 2001 were positive for SARS-related antibodies, which shows that there can be outbreak without it being detected.

submitted by /u/2000p
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How much iron does a star create before it explodes?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 09:26 AM PDT

I have heard that as soon as a star tries to fuse iron atoms it explodes, but there is an abundance of iron in the universe so how does that work exactly ?

submitted by /u/urmomismysafespace
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Can blood oxygen levels be used to estimate time of death?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 08:44 AM PDT

Blood oxygen levels are usually in the 90s and usually measured by a finger monitor in the clinic. However, once the heart stops pumping, cells will consume oxygen in the finger causing the oxygen levels to decrease. Can this be used as an estimate of time of death? For example, if a finger reading shows 50% oxygen saturation could you conclude that the person had died e.g. 2 hours prior?

submitted by /u/Barkeri
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How do the redundancy systems in aeroplanes work?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:10 PM PDT

If there are several lines of cable to one of the elevators, for example, are they all firing all the time? Or is there some kind of gate that only opens the other redundant lines once the first or main line has failed?

submitted by /u/eagle332288
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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Register for Keynote Address by Prof. Alex Wellerstein, "The Atomic Bomb and Visions of the New Post War Order"! Live at 1 PM ET, 9/15 as part of the AskHistorians 2020 Digital Conference.

Register for Keynote Address by Prof. Alex Wellerstein, "The Atomic Bomb and Visions of the New Post War Order"! Live at 1 PM ET, 9/15 as part of the AskHistorians 2020 Digital Conference.

Register for Keynote Address by Prof. Alex Wellerstein, "The Atomic Bomb and Visions of the New Post War Order"! Live at 1 PM ET, 9/15 as part of the AskHistorians 2020 Digital Conference.

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:45 AM PDT

Announcement and Zoom registration form.

This event is coordinated by our friends at /r/AskHistorians, but given the overlap of the keynote address with the sciences, we thought the readers of /r/AskScience would be interested.

This thread is just an announcement of the event, so comments will be locked here. If you're interested in attending the event (via Zoom), fill out the registration form above.

submitted by /u/AskScienceModerator
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Does other viral respiratory illnesses like common cold or influenza also cause long lasting cardiopulmonary or neurological sequelae like COVID-19 is doing?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:02 AM PDT

Does gravity increase or decrease as you get closer to the core?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:14 AM PDT

Say you were to dig a hole down 75% through the mantle and stood there (assuming you had some special suit for the heat).

Would there be more or less gravitational force? There would be less mass below you but you would be closer to the dense core.

Also, would atmospheric pressure be much greater in the hole?

submitted by /u/GuyFromNowhereUSA
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When did sunburns become common? Are they a result of relatively recent climate changes or are UV Rays something that humans have always had to contend with?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:47 PM PDT

Does hand sanitiser use make pathogens more hand sanitiser resistant, in the same way antibiotic use does?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:04 PM PDT

While absolutely necessary at the moment, seeing hand sanitiser everywhere had got me thinking. We have really overused antibiotics, creating a new problem for ourselves with antibiotic resistant pathogens, is there a chance we are in the process of doing the same with hand sanitisers?

submitted by /u/FergingtonVonAwesome
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What is the hospitalization rate for people who contract coronavirus?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:13 PM PDT

I've found it difficult to track down what seems an important statistic: if you contract the coronavirus, what are your odds (on average, or by age, etc.) of getting so sick you need hospitalization?

submitted by /u/CelloVerp
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When the NASA Probe "Cassini" made to Saturn, it was put in an elliptical orbit that passed between the planet and it's ring over and over again. How does NASA send a probe and have it go such a specific course so precisely?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:59 PM PDT

How do they achieve this sending an object to something so far away?

submitted by /u/CrossonTheGroove
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i know there isn't STRONG evidence for the quark star theory in the first place, but what makes it even considerable?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:43 PM PDT

so from what I (hopefully) understand, what keeps a neutron star from collapsing in on itself is the neutron degeneracy pressure, and once the star absorbs too much mass, its gravitational pull overpowers the neutron degeneracy and it collapses into a black hole.

or, theoretically, it could become a quark star, but I don't understand how that would work? if the star collapsed to the point where the neutrons broke down into quarks, how would it not just continue collapsing? I feel like the way that I'm trying to picture that process is all wrong lol

also, I thought quarks were so small that they essentially take up zero space? I hope this doesn't sound silly, but how could quarks alone even make up something of substance if they don't take up space?

also im sorry in advance!! I'm a junior in high-school so my knowledge on advanced physics is just based off doing research on the internet, i wouldn't be surprised if im not understanding something correctly :p

submitted by /u/ukuleo
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Is it possible to know long after-the-fact if a person ever had CoViD-19, even if they were largely asymptomatic and never got tested while they were an active case?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:19 PM PDT

Are there any lingering indications that can be detected, even if they were a very mild case?

submitted by /u/LinkUnseen
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Is air brought in through the nose cleaner than air brought in through the mouth?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:33 PM PDT

Anthropologists, what did our ancestors (both recent and modern) use as diapers for their children?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:36 PM PDT

Question about CO2 absorbing IR light?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:55 AM PDT

I was trying to understand the greenhouse effect more, and know that the Infrared light gets absorbed by greenhouse gases due to their vibration modes corresponding to frequencies of light that fall in the IR range. My question is, are these vibrations the result of the electrons in the molecular bonds becoming excited, and the manifestation of that excitement appears as the atoms in the molecule vibrating about? Or is it the atoms themselves absorbing the photons, causing them to have more kinetic energy, and those vibrate around a center of mass? Furthermore, if a molecule of CO2 absorbs an IR photon and it's vibrational modes begin moving faster, shouldn't the molecule be able to aborb photons of higher and higher frequencies of light that correspond to faster and faster vibrational modes, until the molecule eventually gets ripped apart? I know this does not really happen, but do not understand why. Sorry if this was really poorly worded.

submitted by /u/Watch45
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How is it possible to filter out all the waste, drugs, and bodily fluids that end up being flushed down the toilet, and come out with such clean potable water?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:10 AM PDT

There's so many things that people throw down the drain and toilet like food, human waste, drugs; I guess the simple answer is filters, but how strong of filters or counter chemicals do we need to have in order to squeeze out clean water?

submitted by /u/Buddhist_Punk1
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Is the Higgs Boson the only scalar boson that exists, or is there a possibility of another?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:00 AM PDT

How is liquid breathing advantageous over air breathing for divers?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:56 PM PDT

Does it have something to do with saturation of nitrogen or helium in the tissues? How does it prevent the adverse effects of gaseous toxicity experienced by saturation divers?

submitted by /u/Eunectes7
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Will the American West lose its boreal forests?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:52 AM PDT

How exactly does a flu vaccine work?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:56 PM PDT

I know it has an inactivated form of the virus and that causes an immune response, however, I want to know the specifics of exactly how it works. From creation to immunity.

Don't hold back, I am a Biology major so I'd like to think I can understand.

submitted by /u/chunkydrizzle
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Why do humans seem to have an affinity for symmetry in almost everything, and do we share this affinity with other animals?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:51 AM PDT

Was the spanish flu worse in the winter than all other seasons?

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:05 PM PDT