
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Discussion: Veritasium's newest YouTube video on the reproducibility crisis!

Discussion: Veritasium's newest YouTube video on the reproducibility crisis!

Discussion: Veritasium's newest YouTube video on the reproducibility crisis!

Posted: 11 Aug 2016 07:01 AM PDT

Hi everyone! Our first askscience video discussion was a huge hit, so we're doing it again! Today's topic is Veritasium's video on reproducibility, p-hacking, and false positives. Our panelists will be around throughout the day to answer your questions! In addition, the video's creator, Derek (/u/veritasium) will be around if you have any specific questions for him.

submitted by /u/AskScienceModerator
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The cosmic microwave background radiation is radiation that has been stretched out into the microwave band (It went from high frequency to low). Does that mean it has lost energy just by traveling through expanding space?

Posted: 11 Aug 2016 06:16 AM PDT

That is my understanding of the CMB. That in the early universe it was actually much more energetic and closer to gamma rays. It traveled unobstructed until it hit our detectors as microwaves. So it lost energy just by traveling through space? What did it lose energy to?

submitted by /u/iamanomynous
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What led Socotra Island to having such unique flora when it is less isolated than, say, Easter Island or St. Helena?

Posted: 11 Aug 2016 04:54 AM PDT

Why did the Olympic pool go green and why was it so quick?

Posted: 11 Aug 2016 01:08 AM PDT

That article mentions Alkaline. How does that affect the colour? And would it really be safe?

submitted by /u/MrSonyCity
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Why do ants "collect" the dead bodies of their fallen comrades? What are they doing with them?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 01:08 PM PDT

Are there more neurons in the CNS or the PNS?

Posted: 11 Aug 2016 06:17 AM PDT

What is meant by the following statement which appeared in a physics article yesterday regarding the diphoton hangover? "The absence of new particles almost certainly means that the laws of physics are not natural in the way physicists long assumed they are." [link in comments]

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 11:03 AM PDT

I have an engineering degree level of physics understanding and am not religious so there is no need to address concerns regarding physics possibly being "unnatural".

submitted by /u/star_boy2005
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Could we use CRISPR to create a more efficient CRISPR?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 03:38 PM PDT

I was watching this video on CRISPR and my mind wandered to computer language compiler, where the first compilers may be ineffecient, but eventually they get better.

Could we enhance our own genes to make this system more efficient, or at least with more "features"?

submitted by /u/TheSageMage
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Why, in terms of an energy transfer, forces, and molecular structure, do brittle objects shatter?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 07:02 PM PDT

Say I dropped a glass on the ground and it broke. Did it break because its own weight exceeded the ultimate compressive force of the glass? Is it because the equal and opposite force from the ground to the glass as it hit would somehow rupture the bonds between the atoms of the glass, thus ruining the structural integrity? Something else?

submitted by /u/Peepnbrick
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Expansion of the subreddit rules on AMA's

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 02:15 PM PDT

Hello all! We are expanding our rules to better encompass AMAs. Our AMAs are something we've been growing over the last few months and expect to keep growing in coming months and years. We want to make sure we have guidelines set out for those specific posts, and have updated the rules to include AMAs.

Here are the updated rules list for the subreddit

If you have any questions please feel free to ask them here.

submitted by /u/MockDeath
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What was the average temperature on Earth during the Cretaceous Period?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 09:22 PM PDT

Or any of the dinasour ages for that matter

submitted by /u/akronik
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What is the difference between Embryonic and Fetal stem cells?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 03:19 PM PDT

In addition, how are they both extracted/obtained for research

Background: I'm a student and am working on a project about the ethics of Stem Cell research. I'm trying to get a half decent understanding before I have to write my paper :)

submitted by /u/EdNeagu
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How much would life on Earth change if the Earth's axis was tilted at 24 degrees?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 10:59 AM PDT

Unsure if this is repost, but I woke up this morning thinking about this.

I've read articles and watched documentaries about how drastic of a change Earth would experience if it was x feet closer/farther away from the sun, or if it spun x miles faster/slower.

Would there also be a drastic change to life on Earth if it were tilted .5 Degrees more?

submitted by /u/maxxxl
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Are there any Miller-Urey-type experiments that are currently running continuously?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 01:51 PM PDT

Hello, I have always been fascinated by experiments simulating the early times on Earth trying to answer the question of how life first arose. I was wondering if any of you know about Miller-Urey-type experiments that focus on running the experiment continuously and analysing the chemical composition at time intervals trying to create some primordial-like soup by performing a longer (in relation to time) experiment?

submitted by /u/Camium
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When a bird returns to its nest and see that either the nest itself or the egg is missing how does it react? Does it realize that it may have been eaten?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 12:48 PM PDT

I know some birds are surprisingly smart so I just wanted to know how they handle that situation.

submitted by /u/ImaGaySeaOtter
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Why is the domain to f(x) = x^x only positive numbers?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 11:34 PM PDT

When I ask Wolfram Alpha what the domain of f(x) = xx is, it tells me that it's only positive numbers. This seems odd, though, since the function is defined for some negative numbers (e.g. [-2]-2 = 1/4).

Does a function's domain generally exclude numbers for which it's define? Is WA right about this, and if so why?

submitted by /u/kabukistar
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Is there any actual scientific evidence for such a thing as severe pornographic addiction?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 09:23 AM PDT

I was curious about how the brain reacts to pornography and If it behaves similarly to other addictions.

When I tried looking up the subject matter a lot of christian help websites came up in the search list. I'm not looking for a religious answer, all I want to know is if pornographic addiction is an actual thing and, if so, how the brain reacts on and off of porn.

submitted by /u/genebit
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Are non-commuting variables always Fourier transform duals?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 03:26 PM PDT

The intuitive explanation of the Uncertainty Principle usually involves thinking about a wave packet in both position and frequency space. This makes sense for position/momentum, but it's hard to visualize for something like orthogonal projections of intrinsic spin. Can the latter be represented as Fourier conjugates, or is the Fourier interpretation of the commutation relation peculiar to position/momentum?

submitted by /u/eldy50
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Where are asteroids and comets coming from? And where are they going?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 07:03 PM PDT

To what extent do classical physics and quantum physics combine/cross? How often are theoretical concepts used as the bases for explaining phenomena of classical physics?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 08:30 PM PDT

Despite quantum physics still being a theoretical branch, many of us speak as if characteristics/theories of quantum physics are laws that can be used to explain phenomena of classical physics. To what extent do we use theories of quantum physics as bases for explaining classical physics?

submitted by /u/ganonb
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Does time dilation affect the propagation of gravity waves?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 12:20 PM PDT

I understand that gravity waves propagate at the speed of light, and I understand that extreme gravity, like a black hole's erogosphere, can bend spacetime faster than the speed of light. Are gravity waves affected by time dilation since it is itself a form of gravity? Could an extremely strong gravity wave affect itself?

submitted by /u/rosalinekarr
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Are certain bases easier to find prime numbers?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 07:52 PM PDT

I did a quick search, but most of the inquiries were about whether a prime remains prime whether the base changes (spoiler - it does). I saw something strange that indicated that primes represented in base 10 have a higher probability of ending with certain digits. I guess this doesn't do much because now instead of guessing primes you guess bases that have better prime patterns and then you still have to guess at primes, but it also leads to the question of is there a certain base we are better at finding prime numbers with? I guess base 2 makes sense given it's native to numerical computation (transistors being on or off). But maybe outside of pure numerics there's some magic prime base that works best?

submitted by /u/physnchips
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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

What causes the mushroom cloud effect in a nuclear bomb?

What causes the mushroom cloud effect in a nuclear bomb?

What causes the mushroom cloud effect in a nuclear bomb?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 07:13 AM PDT

Is it only nuclear weapons that cause this mushroom cloud? or if you have a big enough bomb will it cause the same kind of shape? Can you have a nuclear weapon explosion without the mushroom cloud?

submitted by /u/ajmalinowski
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Can a atom be made of just a neutron and an electron?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 01:50 AM PDT

Can a atom be made of just a neutron and an electron? What is this called?

submitted by /u/zenmasterzen3
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Ask Anything Wednesday - Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine, Psychology

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 08:05 AM PDT

Welcome to our weekly feature, Ask Anything Wednesday - this week we are focusing on Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine, Psychology

Do you have a question within these topics you weren't sure was worth submitting? Is something a bit too speculative for a typical /r/AskScience post? No question is too big or small for AAW. In this thread you can ask any science-related question! Things like: "What would happen if...", "How will the future...", "If all the rules for 'X' were different...", "Why does my...".

Asking Questions:

Please post your question as a top-level response to this, and our team of panellists will be here to answer and discuss your questions.

The other topic areas will appear in future Ask Anything Wednesdays, so if you have other questions not covered by this weeks theme please either hold on to it until those topics come around, or go and post over in our sister subreddit /r/AskScienceDiscussion , where every day is Ask Anything Wednesday! Off-theme questions in this post will be removed to try and keep the thread a manageable size for both our readers and panellists.

Answering Questions:

Please only answer a posted question if you are an expert in the field. The full guidelines for posting responses in AskScience can be found here. In short, this is a moderated subreddit, and responses which do not meet our quality guidelines will be removed. Remember, peer reviewed sources are always appreciated, and anecdotes are absolutely not appropriate. In general if your answer begins with 'I think', or 'I've heard', then it's not suitable for /r/AskScience.

If you would like to become a member of the AskScience panel, please refer to the information provided here.

Past AskAnythingWednesday posts can be found here.

Ask away!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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How was it known from the LIGO experiments that the blackholes are spinning?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 12:19 AM PDT

This year we had a major breakthrough announcement of the detection of the gravitational waves - from the data received by the two LIGO of two colliding blackholes.

In layman language, the observatories are L-shaped and use very precise LASERs to measure the phase difference between the reflected and incident wave, caused due to the gravitational waves from this massive collision.

The phase difference (or path difference) is many orders less than the radius of the proton - a measurement so small that it is equivalent to measuring size of a football against the background size of Milky Way Galaxy. Clearly, it is a major achievement for humans and would open gates to more astounding space-time events.

However, how, just with the phase difference data, were scientists able to infer whether one of the blackholes was spinning, what masses they had, the approximate speed at which the collision took place, the spinning speed of the new formed blackholes - (did we get that too?) and that the event took place 1.3 Billion years ago?

How could we infer all that just from such a small amount of data - running the experiment for the first time without any prior callibration?

Do the LIGOs have special probes for that? What is the nature of those probes? What is the nature of data that we are now looking for? And what kind of steps are being taken now to increase the sensitivity of those probes to observe events of that nature?

Fortunately, there have been more observations of colliding blackholes. But how does having different mass for the blackholes (and therefore different frequency of the graviational wave) help identify them?

Also, doesn't the gravitational wave, which is a energy wave moving at speed of light, dissipate energy with the space-time distance it travels?

submitted by /u/pm_me_ur_daydream
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Why do plant's rings tend to orbit with the equator?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 08:21 PM PDT

Always in pictures of Saturn and Uranus it appears that the rings orbit with the equator of the planets. This makes sense, but I am curious as to the actual mechanics behind this happening.

submitted by /u/mcdowellmachine
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Why do some places have two high and two low tides a day, and other places have only one?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 06:09 PM PDT

For example, the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the St. John's river has two highs and two lows a day, while the mouth of the Escambia river has only one of each. Both are at approximately the same latitude, so form on a day to day basis, approximately the same angle with the sun and moon.


NOAA at Mayport (Mouth of the St. John's)

NOAA at Pensacola, mouth of the Escambia river.

submitted by /u/Mobile_Bay
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A wasp has been visiting my room for the last 3 days entering a coke can flying away and coming back. What exactly is s/he doing?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 12:39 PM PDT

well you see, I drank a can of coke and being a slob I am I left it on me deskaroo, so one fine day (saturday) this little wasp flys into my room, I watched him fly around and then land and enter this can of coke. he climbs around inside for a bit and then gets out and flys away. about 10 -15 mins later he comes back and goes straight back to the can in through the window.

He knows exactly where to get in through the window which is only narrowly shut, most of the time flys will bang them selves off the glass until I catch them and put them out.

I tried moving the can to a different table of the other side of the room and so when he came in he checked where it was originally and then went around the room looking for it.

Once he found it and climbed in and out again.

The next time he comes back he went to the original spot, remembered it wasn't there and then flew straight over to the second location. climbs in and out again.

So this last time, I moved it back to the original spot he flys in and straight over to it.

Are Wasps really this intelligent? whats going on here, he like drinks the coke (little droplets left) and flys off, Im guessing its for food but can he not alert others that there is food here? I thought they and bees only liked pollen.

submitted by /u/Justheretotroll69
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Video game "optics" - Why does 90 FOV look so weird?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 01:56 AM PDT

An image:

So here's what I'm thinking: The FOV (field of view) in a game works basically like the screen is a window into the game world, but you're looking at it with a single eye from a very close distance. So basically it'd look correct if you close one eye and just move closer to the screen, right? 70 FOV would be like your eye being 30cm/15 inches from the screen, and 90 FOV would be 20cm/10 inches (not accurately converted).

Well, that doesn't work with this image. The guy on the left's face might look less stretched out, but it never looks completely normal, and the edge marked with a red line never becomes perfectly straight despite being a perfectly vertical edge in the game.

Why is this? Is it really impossible to make it like this, or what's the deal here?

submitted by /u/Ree81
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Why is Greenland covered by an ice sheet while other areas of similar latitude such as northern Scandinavia are not?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 02:41 PM PDT

With all the news about Greenland's ice sheets melting, I'm wondering how Greenland got covered in an ice sheet in the first place (southernmost latitude: ~60° N) while other places of similar latitudes such as Murmansk (~68° N) and Point Barrow (~71 ° N) are not covered under hundreds of feet of ice all year long?

submitted by /u/HeliosHelpsHeroes
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How does long exposure on a DSLR camera work?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 06:23 PM PDT

As I understand it, film becomes clear as more light hits it. However on a digital camera, each photon striking the sensor would create a spike of current, correct? Does the camera have an analog way of storing each of these spikes, like a capacitor, or does it digitally add all the spikes it has received (eg each pixel of the sensor has a digital counter, that adds up the spikes)? Or is it something else that I am not seeing here?

submitted by /u/hansn
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Are any mammals as sexually dimorphic as humans?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 10:12 PM PDT

I think birds can be very different looking but except for humans, it seems to me without checking out genitalia, I can't readily determine sex. Is this because other mammals really do look alike between sexes or simply because I am so familiar with my own species?

submitted by /u/jrm2007
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Is individual sperm size relative to organism size?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 12:21 PM PDT

For instance, are individual blue whale sperm cells much larger than human sperm cells, and are they much larger than mouse sperm cells and so on?

submitted by /u/Dunnock
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Is there any indication that natural selection has had an impact on the behavior of animals affected by road accidents?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 07:15 PM PDT

Such as an effect on reaction time, or increased avoidance of cars/humans. Example animals like deer, opossum, squirrels, birds, etc.

submitted by /u/joshhammock
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Are there any genetic traces found within North American Aboriginal people from the Vikings who settled in North America a thousand years ago?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 07:09 PM PDT

The common consensus seems to be that these Vikings only settled in North America for a brief period. Why are we so sure they didn't just integrate with a nearby Native tribe?

submitted by /u/hairdeek
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Does taking NSAIDs for menstrual nausea/pain affect how effectively the uterus sheds/eliminates its lining?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 03:59 PM PDT

As I understand it...

  • Prostaglandins cause uterine contractions, which pushes the shed endometrium out

  • Prostaglandins also cause inflammation and contractions in other areas, causing nausea and pain

  • NSAIDs limit the production of prostaglandins, reducing those symptoms

Will taking NSAIDs also reduce uterine contractions and/or their effectiveness?

submitted by /u/of_skies_and_seas
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How did ancient mathematicians develop so much geometrical theory without access to things like precision measuring instruments, cheap writing materials, and high-quality straightedges?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 10:39 AM PDT

Keep in mind, it's been a while since high school, but, as I understand it, the foundations of modern geometry descend primarily from Euclid and other ancient thinkers, who lacked much of what we take for granted nowadays in modern mathematics. How did they do geometry without things like protractors, good straightedges, and plentiful scratch paper?

BONUS QUESTION: As I understand it, Plato sort-of deduced the shapes of the original Platonic Solids, but did so without the ability to effectively, accurately, and/or quickly manufacture actual 3D models. Are there any insights on how he did so? Or was he just that good?

submitted by /u/brokenimage321
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Why are caterpillar nests in specific trees?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 04:20 PM PDT

I was driving and noticed that certain trees have caterpillar nests and some don't. Is this because of their diet or something else? What types of trees are they?

submitted by /u/Siner
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While THC is still "in your system", how much, if at all, are you still under its effects?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 04:10 PM PDT

It has been very loosely demonstrated that a "marijuana hangover" effect exists that seems to be unrelated to THC's normal effects (, but does THC being in your system for ~2-4 weeks have any effect on you related to it's initial effects?

submitted by /u/OgFinish
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What is the full chemical process when tea is brewed with tea leaves, a pot and a kettle?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 03:23 PM PDT

Since light from a source will travel in all directions and bounces all over the place, how do our eyes know where it came from?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 04:10 PM PDT

How do swept wings reduce wave drag?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 03:27 PM PDT

Is there any scenario where the speed of sound is close to/at the speed of light?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 06:06 PM PDT

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Are we aware of any linguistic differences between the Korean spoken in North and South Korea that have developed since the end of the Korean War?

Are we aware of any linguistic differences between the Korean spoken in North and South Korea that have developed since the end of the Korean War?

Are we aware of any linguistic differences between the Korean spoken in North and South Korea that have developed since the end of the Korean War?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 08:02 AM PDT

Can Pauli's exclusion principle be violated?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 04:48 AM PDT

Why do illness symptoms vary in intensity by time of day?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 06:38 AM PDT

I'm suffering through a case of strep throat at the moment, and every day is the same pattern. I wake up feeling terrible, then for the next few hours it quickly improves to the point where I feel pretty good in the middle of the day. Then around 2 - 3 PM my throat and head start to hurt more, and by bedtime I'm in a lot of pain again. What's changing in my body to vary the amount of pain I'm feeling?

submitted by /u/NerdWithoutACause
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How is MRI scanning used to accurately determine age?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 02:52 AM PDT

I saw the post about the majority of the U17 Nigerian football team being banned because they failed MRI tests. How can a scan determine age so accurately when adolescents enter puberty at different times and grow at different rates?

submitted by /u/jaf1201
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If the direction of the electric field is perpendicular to the direction of motion of a charge does it still have a force?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 12:32 AM PDT

The question im dealing with is; A charge Q is in an Electric field E that is directed vertically upward what is the work done by the electric force when the charge is moved X meters to the right.

What i understand is that i need to find Force to find work (w=fx) and i need to find force using F=EQ However, because the direction of motion of the charge is to the right, and the field is vertically upward does this formula still work? or is the answer zero? im unsure.

Also, first time submitting here, not sure if this is the correct place to do so

submitted by /u/bbonney
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Is there any way that visible light could be strong enough to shine through an object we perceive as opaque?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 04:11 PM PDT

I assume that radiation getting thru unshielded materials is the equivalent of this for non-visible light.

If not, why not?

submitted by /u/baardvark
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How does a gyroscope spinning in a horizontal position stay upright? Why wouldn't gravity just pull down the side not being suspended?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 04:30 PM PDT

how would Proton decay work?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 11:00 AM PDT

I've read that proton decay is handled by x and y bosons, but I don't get how. They have color charge and weak isospin so I assume they act on a single quark, bu what happens to the other quarks, and why can the x and y decay into two quarks despite only having one color charge?

submitted by /u/chunkylubber54
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Why do we feel mosquito bites?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 02:01 PM PDT

Why do we feel mosquito bites? It is not a sting, but it itches. Is there some evolutionary "rationale"*? Or is it just a random side effect of some sort?

*Don't worry, I am aware evolution is arational.

submitted by /u/FieryWest
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How can we talk about the age of the universe if time is relative? Is there such a thing as a universal time?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 09:09 AM PDT

Big Bang graphics explain what happened at what time very precisely. At what speed or under what gravitational forces are those time measurement supposed to be made?

submitted by /u/farineziq
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What is the 'bump' at rotation of a commercial airplane?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 11:52 AM PDT

At rotation (when an airliner's nose first rises up, during takeoff), there is usually a noticeable 'thump' or 'bump', in terms of both sound and physical sensation. Given that the plane is becoming airborne at that point (i.e., applying increasingly less weight on the wheels and ground), what causes this 'bump'?

submitted by /u/Sierrajeff
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Why are the polar ice caps melting at different rates?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 01:50 PM PDT

As I understand it, the arctic ice caps are in pretty bad shape, but the antarctic sea ice actually posted a record max extent. Not sure how to explain this one to a climate change denier friend of mine. I haven't been able to find an answer that was very definitive or particularly satisfying. The article sites the shape of the earth, terrain, and weather (particularly wind) as potential factors, but I didn't get the sense that we have a concrete understanding.


submitted by /u/SpiderSaurusTron
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Decimal Factorial?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 10:55 AM PDT

I know I can get an interval between two integers in the graphic, with the function f(x) = x! and obtain the corresponding value to "x" which in this case would be decimal. But what it really means that value? (conceptually).

submitted by /u/RVarleta
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How are cells in tissues supplied with the nutrients they need (Aminoacids for Proteinbiosynthesis for example) ?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 02:02 PM PDT

How does a PET Scan locate the tumor(s)?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 01:36 PM PDT

My father had cancer a few years ago and he had to have a PET Scan. They injected the radioactive material into him and he had to sit still for 8 or so hours. When it was over the doctors knew where and how big the tumor was. Basically I want to understand how the scan locates tumors. Why does the material go to the tumor? Also, is the reason the patient can't move because the material would conglomerate to the muscles used to move if they did?

submitted by /u/Charash99
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Does 'black' light exist and if so, is it possible to 'obtain' it?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 05:07 PM PDT

Would it be 'dark' white light or actual 'black' light

submitted by /u/akstar_
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Can the GMO mosquitoes transmit something to humans?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 01:29 PM PDT

In the wake of Zika, Florida is considering releasing GMO mosquitoes to mate with native mosquitoes and produce sterile offspring in order to reduce the population.

People are wary though.

I reasoned that there's no way that the released mosquitoes could be an issue for humans because they are male and only females bite humans. But then, females only bite to nourish their babies when they are pregnant by said males. Could the modified mosquitoes transmit something to their mate which in turn is transmitted to the human they bite?

submitted by /u/joe462
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