Does diabetes (or a high PH level) cause your body to excrete pharmaceutical drugs in your urine faster than a normal, healthy individual? | AskScience Blog


Friday, June 17, 2022

Does diabetes (or a high PH level) cause your body to excrete pharmaceutical drugs in your urine faster than a normal, healthy individual?

Does diabetes (or a high PH level) cause your body to excrete pharmaceutical drugs in your urine faster than a normal, healthy individual?

Does diabetes (or a high PH level) cause your body to excrete pharmaceutical drugs in your urine faster than a normal, healthy individual?

Posted: 17 Jun 2022 07:19 AM PDT

I had a recent urine test and failed to show any of the medication that should have been present (I had last taken it 30 hours earlier but the internet says it usually stays detectable 48-98 hours.)

Just wondering if a high acidity level in my blood/urine or diabetes itself could cause the medication to excretes faster than normal.

submitted by /u/AcademicF
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How do we know the amount of carbon in the atmosphere in the past?

Posted: 16 Jun 2022 02:32 PM PDT

I understand ice cores from deep glaciers can tell us the makeup of the atmosphere for the last few hundred thousand years but how do we know what makeup of the atmosphere from before the glaciers existed?

submitted by /u/KoLobotomy
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What is a basic definition of fugacity?

Posted: 16 Jun 2022 01:58 PM PDT

I've just completed my second thermos course and I still am not 100% sure what fugacity is. I know how to apply it and use it in calculations but I realised I can't give just give a basic definition of what it actually is. I know this topic is a running joke amongst chemical engineers but if actually really like to understand this concept better

submitted by /u/Independent_Cry7562
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